9/9-9/19 の輪読

9/9-9/19 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2457. Guo, J. et al. (2023). A tripartite rheostat controls self-regulated host plant resistance to insects. Nature 618: 799–807.
2458. Qi, J. et al. (2023). OsRbohI regulates rice growth and development via jasmonic acid signalling. Plant Cell Physiol. 64: 686–699.
2459. Ishikawa, K. et al. Rice transcription factor DPF regulates stress-induced biosynthesis of diterpenoid phytoalexins. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. in press.
2460. Dwivedi, A.K., Singh, V., Anwar, K., Pareek, A., and Jain, M. (2023). Integrated transcriptome, proteome and metabolome analyses revealed secondary metabolites and auxiliary carbohydrate metabolism augmenting drought tolerance in rice. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 201: 107849.
2461. Wang, M. et al. (2023). Melatonin induces resistance against Penicillium expansum in apple fruit through enhancing phenylpropanoid metabolism. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 127: 102082.
2462. Oliveira-Garcia, E. et al. (2023). Clathrin-mediated endocytosis facilitates the internalization of Magnaporthe oryzae effectors into rice cells. Plant Cell 35: 2527–2551.
2463. Singh, P. et al. (2024). Microbial volatiles (mVOCs) induce tomato plant growth and disease resistance against wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici. J. Plant Growth Regul. 43: 3105–3118.

8/19-9/5 の輪読

8/19-9/5 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2446. Zhao, Q. et al. (2023). Calcium-binding protein OsANN1 regulates rice blast disease resistance by inactivating jasmonic acid signaling. Plant Physiol. 192: 1621–1637.
2447. Du, Y. et al. (2023). Sufficient coumarin accumulation improves apple resistance to Cytospora mali under high-potassium status. Plant Physiol. 192: 1396–1419.
2448. Cárdenas, P.D. et al. (2023). Phytoalexins of the crucifer Barbarea vulgaris: Structural profile and correlation with glucosinolate turnover. Phytochemistry 213: 113742.
2449. Yubo, S. et al. (2023). Protein elicitor GP1pro targets aquaporin NbPIP2;4 to activate plant immunity. Plant Cell Environ. 46: 2575–2589.
2450. Lu, H.-H. et al. (2023). Identification of a damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) receptor and its cognate peptide ligand in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Plant Cell Environ. 46: 2558–2574.
2451. Tang, B. et al. (2023). Rgs1 is a regulator of effector gene expression during plant infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 120: e2301358120.
2452. Li, H. et al. (2023). Infestation by the piercing–sucking herbivore Nilaparvata lugens systemically triggers JA- and SA-dependent defense responses in rice. Biology 12: 820.
2453. Chen, X. et al. (2023). Rab7/Retromer-based endolysosomal trafficking is essential for proper host invasion in rice blast. New Phytol. 239: 1384–1403.
2454. Singh, L. et al. (2023). Wheat pore-forming toxin-like protein confers broad-spectrum resistance to fungal pathogens in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 36: 489–501.
2455. Chen, X. et al. (2023). A nonclassically secreted effector of Magnaporthe oryzae targets host nuclei and plays important roles in fungal growth and plant infection. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 1093–1106.
2456. Sha, G. et al. (2023). Genome editing of a rice CDP-DAG synthase confers multipathogen resistance. Nature 618: 1017–1023.

夏季休業 & 8/5-9 の輪読

茨城大学では 8/6 までで夏休み前の授業が終了して,夏季休業期間に入りました.

8/5-9 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2441. Xiao, X., Hu, A.Y., Dong, X.Y., Shen, R.F., and Zhao, X.Q. (2023). Involvement of the 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase 4CL4 in rice phosphorus acquisition and rhizosphere microbe recruitment via root growth enlargement. Planta 258: 7.
2442. Burns, A.R. et al. (2023). Selective control of parasitic nematodes using bioactivated nematicides. Nature 618: 102–109.
2443. Ramos, R.N. et al. (2023). Loss-of-function mutations in WRKY22 and WRKY25 impair stomatal-mediated immunity and PTI and ETI responses against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Plant Mol. Biol. 112: 161–177.
2444. Kalboush, Z.A., Abdelkhalek, S.M., Anis, G.B., Hassan, A.A., and Gabr, W.E. (2023). Phenotypic and molecular identification of some blast resistance genes and biochemical responses of rice genotypes against rice blast pathogen. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 127: 102052.
2445. Jalilian, A. et al. (2023). The RLCK subfamily VII-4 controls pattern-triggered immunity and basal resistance to bacterial and fungal pathogens in rice. Plant J. 115: 1345–1356.


2436. Nguyen, T.H. et al. (2023). A redundant transcription factor network steers spatiotemporal Arabidopsis triterpene synthesis. Nat. Plants 9: 926–937.
2437. Liu, J. et al. (2023). Rice ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme OsUbc13 negatively regulates immunity against pathogens by enhancing the activity of OsSnRK1a. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21: 1590–1610.
2438. Yue, J. et al. (2023). Methyltransferase-like (METTL) homologues participate in Nicotiana benthamiana antiviral responses. Plant Signaling Behav. 18: 2214760.
2439. Koh, E., Chaturvedi, A.K., Javitt, G., Brandis, A., and Fluhr, R. (2023). Multiple paths of plant host toxicity are associated with the fungal toxin cercosporin. Plant Cell Environ. 46: 2542–2557.
2440. Tseng, B.-S. et al. (2023). Hydrogen peroxide regulates the Osa-miR156-OsSPL2/OsTIFY11b module in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 46: 2507–2522.

オープンキャンパス & 先週の輪読

7/27(土)には茨城大学オープンキャンパスが開催されました.今年度は水戸,日立,阿見の 3 キャンパス同時開催で,阿見キャンパス会場にも 1000 名以上の来場者があったようです.生物制御化学研究室でも研究室を公開し,戸嶋浩明先生の模擬授業「農学における有機化学」も開講されました.

2431. Sun, B. et al. (2023). A novel transcriptional repressor complex MYB22–TOPLESS–HDAC1 promotes rice resistance to brown planthopper by repressing F3′H expression. New Phytol. 239: 720–738.
2432. Chang, W. et al. (2023). Comparative metabolomics combined with physiological analysis revealed cadmium tolerance mechanism in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 71: 7669–7678.
2433. Decsi, K. et al. (2023). Natural immunity stimulation using ELICE16INDURES® plant conditioner in field culture of soybean. Heliyon 9: e12907.
2434. Guillotin, B. et al. (2023). A pan-grass transcriptome reveals patterns of cellular divergence in crops. Nature 617: 785–791.
2435. Ube, N. et al. (2023). Molecular identification of a laccase that catalyzes the oxidative coupling of a hydroxycinnamic acid amide for hordatine biosynthesis in barley. Plant J. 115: 1037–1050.


鈴木義人先生と長谷川が担当している食生命科学科 3 年生向けの学生実験「機器分析実験」は先週の火曜日(7/16)で終了しました.今年度は 7/17(水)から期末試験が始まるため,日程に余裕がなく,装置トラブルなどがあると困った事態になるところでしたが,特にトラブルもなく無事に終了できました.

Kosakivska, I., Voytenko, L., Vasyuk, V., and Shcherbatiuk, M. (2024). ABA-induced alterations in cytokinin homeostasis of Triticum aestivum and Triticum spelta under heat stress. Plant Stress 11: 100353.

2427. Song, L. et al. (2023). Reducing brassinosteroid signalling enhances grain yield in semi-dwarf wheat. Nature 617: 118–124.
2428. Berman, P. et al. (2023). Parallel evolution of cannabinoid biosynthesis. Nat. Plants 9: 817–831.
2429. Aryal, B. et al. (2023). An LRR receptor kinase controls ABC transporter substrate preferences during plant growth-defense decisions. Curr. Biol. 33: 2008–2023.e8.
2430. Castro, C. et al. (2023). Priming grapevine with lipopolysaccharide confers systemic resistance to Pierce’s disease and identifies a peroxidase linked to defense priming. New Phytol. 239: 687–704.

研究室セミナー & 先週の輪読

Mashiguchi, K. et al. (2023). Activation of strigolactone biosynthesis by the DWARF14-LIKE/KARRIKIN-INSENSITIVE2 pathway in mycorrhizal angiosperms, but not in arabidopsis, a non-mycorrhizal plant. Plant Cell Physiol. 64: 1066–1078.


2422. El Houari, I. et al. (2023). Non-specific effects of the CINNAMATE-4-HYDROXYLASE inhibitor piperonylic acid. Plant J. 115: 470–479.
2423. Wu, H.-T., Riggs, D.L., Lyon, Y.A., and Julian, R.R. (2023). Statistical framework for identifying differences in similar mass spectra: expanding possibilities for isomer identification. Anal. Chem. 95: 6996–7005.
2424. Xu, D. et al. (2023). Export of defensive glucosinolates is key for their accumulation in seeds. Nature 617: 132–138.
2425. Song, W., Yin, Z., Lu, X., Shen, D., and Dou, D. (2023). Plant secondary metabolite citral interferes with Phytophthora capsici virulence by manipulating the expression of effector genes. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 932–946.
2426. Saito, R. et al. (2023). (3R,7S)-12-Hydroxy-jasmonoyl-l-isoleucine is the genuine bioactive stereoisomer of a jasmonate metabolite in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 115: 709–723.


7/4(木)から化学生態学研究室の鈴木義人先生と私が担当している食生命科学科 3 年生向けの学生実験「機器分析実験」が始まりました.7/16(火)までの日程です.

Escaray, F.J. et al. (2024). Plant triterpenoid saponins function as susceptibility factors to promote the pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea. Mol. Plant 17: 1073–1089.

2418. Tetorya, M. et al. (2023). Plant defensin MtDef4-derived antifungal peptide with multiple modes of action and potential as a bio-inspired fungicide. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 896–913.
2419. Newman, T.E. et al. (2023). The broad host range pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum produces multiple effector proteins that induce host cell death intracellularly. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 866–881.
2420. Li, G. et al. (2023). Integrated microbiome and metabolomic analysis reveal responses of rhizosphere bacterial communities and root exudate composition to drought and genotype in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice 16: 19.
2421. Latorre, S.M. et al. (2023). Genomic surveillance uncovers a pandemic clonal lineage of the wheat blast fungus. PLOS Biol. 21: e3002052.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

Jia, X. et al. (2023). The origin and evolution of salicylic acid signaling and biosynthesis in plants. Mol. Plant 16: 245–259.


2414. Alariqi, M. et al. (2023). Cotton 4-coumarate-CoA ligase 3 enhanced plant resistance to Verticillium dahliae by promoting jasmonic acid signaling-mediated vascular lignification and metabolic flux. Plant J. 115: 190–204.
2415. Chen, M. et al. (2023). A parasitic fungus employs mutated eIF4A to survive on rocaglate-synthesizing Aglaia plants. eLife 12: e81302.
2416. Zhang, J. et al. (2023). Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis reveals (E)-2-hexenal modulates tomato resistance against Botrytis cinerea by regulating plant defense mechanism. Plant Mol. Biol. 111: 505–522.
2417. Cao, Y. et al. (2023). Drug delivery in plants using silk microneedles. Adv. Mater. 35: 2205794.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

Shen, L., Zhang, L.-h., Xia, X., Yang, S.-x., and Yang, X. (2024). Cytochrome P450 SmCYP78A7a positively functions in eggplant response to salt stress via forming a positive feedback loop with SmWRKY11. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 269: 132139.


2409. Sugihara, Y. et al. (2023). Disentangling the complex gene interaction networks between rice and the blast fungus identifies a new pathogen effector. PLOS Biol. 21: e3001945.
2410. Murphy, K.M. et al. (2023). A dolabralexin-deficient mutant provides insight into specialized diterpenoid metabolism in maize. Plant Physiol. 192: 1338–1358.
2411. Lee, S. et al. (2023). The nuclear effector MoHTR3 of Magnaporthe oryzae modulates host defence signalling in the biotrophic stage of rice infection. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 602–615.
2412. Saito, S. et al. (2023). Metabolic engineering of betacyanin in vegetables for anti-inflammatory therapy. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 120: 1357–1365.
2413. Ishibashi, M. et al. (2023). High-throughput analysis of anthocyanins in horticultural crops using probe electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (PESI/MS/MS). Hortic. Res. 10: uhad039.

研究室セミナー & 5/29-6/14 の輪読

5/30 の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は化学生態学研究室の修士課程学生で,以下の論文を報告しました.
Lv, H. et al. (2023). Overcoming resistance in insect pest with a nanoparticle-mediated dsRNA and insecticide co-delivery system. Chem. Eng. J. 475: 146239.

6/6 の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は化学生態学研究室の修士課程学生で,以下の論文を報告しました.
Mei, G. et al. (2024). A simple and efficient in planta transformation method based on the active regeneration capacity of plants. Plant Commun. 5: 100822.

6/13 の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は生物制御化学研究室の四年生で,以下の論文を報告しました.
Duan, Y. et al. (2023). Combination of bacterial N-acyl homoserine lactones primes Arabidopsis defenses via jasmonate metabolism. Plant Physiol. 191: 2027–2044.

5/29-6/14 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2398. Miwa, T., Ishikawa, O., Takeda-Kimura, Y., and Toyomasu, T. Essential residues in diterpene synthases for biosynthesis of oryzalexins A-F in rice phytoalexin. FEBS J. in press.
2399. Niñoles, R. et al. (2023). Kaempferol-3-rhamnoside overaccumulation in flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase tt7 mutants compromises seed coat outer integument differentiation and seed longevity. New Phytol. 238: 1461–1478.
2400. Song, S. et al. (2023). The functional evolution of architecturally different plant geranyl diphosphate synthases from geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase. Plant Cell 35: 2293–2315.
2401. Feng, Y., Weers, T., and Peters, R.J. Double-barreled defense: dual ent-miltiradiene synthases in most rice cultivars. aBIOTECH in press.
2402. Tu, C.-K. et al. (2024). The rice endophytic bacterium Bacillus velezensis LS123N provides protection against multiple pathogens and enhances rice resistance to wind with increase in yield. Biol. Control 192: 105507.
2403. Qiu, X. et al. (2023). The Phytophthora sojae nuclear effector PsAvh110 targets a host transcriptional complex to modulate plant immunity. Plant Cell 35: 574–597.
2404. Brunoni, F. et al. (2023). Amino acid conjugation of oxIAA is a secondary metabolic regulation involved in auxin homeostasis. New Phytol. 238: 2264–2270.
2405. Teng, Y. et al. (2024). Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of ent-kaurene synthase-like gene family associated with abiotic stress in rice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: 5513.
2406. Miyata, K. et al. (2023). OsSYMRK plays an essential role in AM symbiosis in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Cell Physiol. 64: 378–391.
2407. Chini, A., Monte, I., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., and Solano, R. (2023). Evolution of the jasmonate ligands and their biosynthetic pathways. New Phytol. 238: 2236–2246.
2408. Reed, J. et al. (2023). Elucidation of the pathway for biosynthesis of saponin adjuvants from the soapbark tree. Science 379: 1252–1264.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

Mauger, A. et al. (2023). Collective total synthesis of mavacuran alkaloids through intermolecular 1,4-addition of an organolithium reagent. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62: e202302461.


2393. Zhang, Y. et al. (2024). Single-repeat MYB transcription factor, OsMYB1R, enhanced phytoalexin sakuranetin accumulation and Magnaporthe oryzae resistance. Curr. Plant Biol. 38: 100351.
2394. Hurst, C.H. et al. (2023). S-acylation stabilizes ligand-induced receptor kinase complex formation during plant pattern-triggered immune signaling. Curr. Biol. 33: 1588–1596.e6.
2395. Lin, J.-L. et al. (2023). Dirigent gene editing of gossypol enantiomers for toxicity-depleted cotton seeds. Nat. Plants 9: 605–615.
2396. Duan, Y. et al. (2023). Combination of bacterial N-acyl homoserine lactones primes Arabidopsis defenses via jasmonate metabolism. Plant Physiol. 191: 2027–2044.
2397. Hellens, A.M., Chabikwa, T.G., Fichtner, F., Brewer, P.B., and Beveridge, C.A. (2023). Identification of new potential downstream transcriptional targets of the strigolactone pathway including glucosinolate biosynthesis. Plant Direct 7: e486.

研究室セミナー & 4/22-5/17 の輪読

Soma, F. et al. (2023). Constitutively active B2 Raf-like kinases are required for drought-responsive gene expression upstream of ABA-activated SnRK2 kinases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 120: e2221863120.

4/22-5/17 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2378. Wang, X. et al. (2023). Functional dissection of rice jasmonate receptors involved in development and defense. New Phytol. 238: 2144–2158.
2379. Saldivar, E.V. et al. (2023). Maize terpene synthase 8 (ZmTPS8) contributes to a complex blend of fungal-elicited antibiotics. Plants 12: 1111.
2380. Kinto, S., Akino, T., and Yano, S. (2023). Spider mites avoid caterpillar traces to prevent intraguild predation. Sci Rep. 13: 1841.
2381. Wang, S. et al. (2023). Phosphorylation and ubiquitination of OsWRKY31 are integral to OsMKK10-2-mediated defense responses in rice. Plant Cell 35: 2391–2412.
2382. Takemura, H. et al. (2023). Role of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in the metabolism of fairy chemicals in rice. Org. Biomol. Chem. 21: 2556–2561.
2383. You, Y., Ray, R., Halitschke, R., Baldwin, G., and Baldwin, I.T. (2023). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-indicative blumenol-C-glucosides predict lipid accumulations and fitness in plants grown without competitors. New Phytol. 238: 2159–2174.
2384. Guerrero De León, E., Sánchez-Martínez, H., Morán-Pinzón, J.A., del Olmo Fernández, E., and López-Pérez, J.L. (2023). Computational structural revision of elaeophorbate and other triterpenoids with the help of NAPROC-13. a new strategy for structural revision of natural products. J. Nat. Prod. 86: 897–908.
2385. Magner, E.T. et al. (2023). Post-secretory synthesis of a natural analog of iron-gall ink in the black nectar of Melianthus spp. New Phytol. 239: 2026–2040.
2386. Jiang, L. et al. (2024). Phytoalexin sakuranetin attenuates endocytosis and enhances resistance to rice blast. Nat. Commun. 15: 3437.
2387. Hua, J., Liu, J., Zhou, W., Ma, C., and Luo, S. (2023). A new perspective on plant defense against foliar gall-forming aphids through activation of the fruit abscission pathway. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 196: 1046–1054.
2388. Pankaew, C. et al. (2023). Combining elicitor treatment of chitosan, methyl jasmonate, and cyclodextrin to induce the generation of immune response bioactive peptides in peanut hairy root culture. Plant Sci. 331: 111670.
2389. Sun, G. et al. (2023). Apocarotenoids are allosteric effectors of a dimeric plant glycosyltransferase involved in defense and lignin formation. New Phytol. 238: 2080–2098.
2390. Mei, S. et al. (2023). Auxin contributes to jasmonate-mediated regulation of abscisic acid signaling during seed germination in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 35: 1110–1133.
2391. Singh, S.K. et al. (2023). The nuclear effector ArPEC25 from the necrotrophic fungus Ascochyta rabiei targets the chickpea transcription factor CaβLIM1a and negatively modulates lignin biosynthesis, increasing host susceptibility. Plant Cell 35: 1134–1159.
2392. Huang, J. et al. (2023). Hormone and carbohydrate regulation of defense secondary metabolites in a Mediterranean forest during drought. Environ. Exp. Bot. 209: 105298.

105 分授業開始 & 4/10-4/19 の輪読

4/11 から今年度の授業が始まりました.茨城大学は今年度から授業時間が 105 分(従来は 90 分)になりました.90 分授業の場合は 2 単位の科目で 15 回の授業と期末試験で 16 週が必要となったのですが,105 分授業ならばこれが,13 回の授業+期末試験で 14 週で済むことになります.これによって,夏季・春季休業期間と補講期間を確保するというのがこの変更の狙いになっています.実は授業をする立場では(少なくとも私の場合)90 分でも 105 分でもそれほどの違いは感じません.一生懸命しゃべっていると案外時間の流れは速く感じるものです.しかし,聴く方の立場では 90 分でも結構長いと感じる学生の皆さんは多いと思うので,105 分でも受講生を飽きさせない授業にするというのは結構難しいと思います.

4/10-4/19 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2370. He, Y. et al. (2024). The OsBZR1–OsSPX1/2 module fine-tunes the growth–immunity trade-off in adaptation to phosphate availability in rice. Mol. Plant 17: 258–276.
2371. Xu, L. et al. (2023). AIM1-dependent high basal salicylic acid accumulation modulates stomatal aperture in rice. New Phytol. 238: 1420–1430.
2372. Zhang, L. et al. (2023). OsCCRL1 is essential for phenylpropanoid metabolism in rice anthers. Rice 16: 10.
2373. Mmbando, G.S., Ando, S., Takahashi, H., and Hidema, J. (2023). High ultraviolet-B sensitivity due to lower CPD photolyase activity is needed for biotic stress response to the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 22: 1309–1321.
2374. Li, C. et al. (2023). DNA demethylase gene OsDML4 controls salt tolerance by regulating the ROS homeostasis and the JA signaling in rice. Environ. Exp. Bot. 209: 105276.
2375. Kourelis, J., Marchal, C., Posbeyikian, A., Harant, A., and Kamoun, S. (2023). NLR immune receptor–nanobody fusions confer plant disease resistance. Science 379: 934–939.
2376. Shi, H. et al. Naringenin restricts the colonization and growth of Ralstonia solanacearum in tobacco mutant KCB-1. Plant Physiol. in press.
2377. García-Romeral, J., Castanera, R., Casacuberta, J., and Domingo, C. (2024). Deciphering the genetic basis of allelopathy in japonica rice cultivated in temperate regions using a genome-wide association study. Rice 17: 22.

新年度 & 3/28-4/5 の輪読

新年度が始まりました.昨年度の生物制御化学研究室は 4 年生 1 名のみ在籍という超少数精鋭研究室でしたが,今年度は修士課程学生 1 名,4 年生 4 名の体制でスタートです.


3/28-4/5 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.昨年度は長谷川が一人だけの「輪読」でしたが,4/3 からは 4 年生 4 名も参加して本当の輪読開始です.
2364. Judd, R. et al. (2023). Metabolic engineering of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway in Artemisia annua and relation to the expression of the artemisinin biosynthetic pathway. Planta 257: 63.
2365. Yan, X. et al. (2023). The transcriptional landscape of plant infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae reveals distinct families of temporally co-regulated and structurally conserved effectors. Plant Cell 35: 1360–1385.
2366. Tintelnot, J. et al. (2023). Microbiota-derived 3-IAA influences chemotherapy efficacy in pancreatic cancer. Nature 615: 168–174.
2367. Sugimoto, K. et al. (2023). Identification of a tomato UDP-arabinosyltransferase for airborne volatile reception. Nat. Commun. 14: 677.
2368. Zhao, W. et al. (2023). Tomato defence against Meloidogyne incognita by jasmonic acid-mediated fine-tuning of kaempferol homeostasis. New Phytol. 238: 1651–1670.
2369. Furumura, S. et al. (2023). Identification and functional characterization of fungal chalcone synthase and chalcone isomerase. J. Nat. Prod. 86: 398–405.


2360. Arora, S. et al. (2023). A wheat kinase and immune receptor form host-specificity barriers against the blast fungus. Nat. Plants 9: 385–392.
2361. Zhao, Y. et al. (2024). Biofortified rice provides rich sakuranetin in endosperm. Rice 17: 19.
2362. Ebrahim, S.A.M., Dweck, H.K.M., Weiss, B.L., and Carlson, J.R. (2023). A volatile sex attractant of tsetse flies. Science 379: eade1877.
2363. Bansal, S. et al. (2023). Characterization and validation of hypothetical virulence factors in recently sequenced genomes of Magnaporthe species. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 124: 101969.

後期日程入試 & 先週の輪読


2355. Rieksta, J. et al. (2023). Volatile responses of dwarf birch to mimicked insect herbivory and experimental warming at two elevations in Greenlandic tundra. Plant-Environ. Interact. 4: 23–35.
2356. Matsuda, H. et al. (2023). Apoplast-localized β-glucosidase elevates isoflavone accumulation in the soybean rhizosphere. Plant Cell Physiol. 64: 486–500.
2357. Nakamori, H., Nunome, M., Takayama, T., Okada, K., and Inoue, K. Isolation of momilactones A and B from rice husk using high-speed countercurrent chromatography. Chromatography in press.
2358. Yildiz, I. et al. (2023). N-Hydroxypipecolic acid induces systemic acquired resistance and transcriptional reprogramming via TGA transcription factors. Plant Cell Environ. 46: 1900–1920.
2359. Hirano, T. et al. (2023). Ab-GALFA, A bioassay for insect gall formation using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Sci Rep. 13: 2554.


2350. Götze, S. et al. (2023). Ecological niche-inspired genome mining leads to the discovery of crop-protecting nonribosomal lipopeptides featuring a transient amino acid building block. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145: 2342–2353.
2351. Huang, P.-C. et al. (2023). A non-JA producing oxophytodienoate reductase functions in salicylic acid-mediated antagonism with jasmonic acid during pathogen attack. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 725–741.
2352. Lin, Y., Zhang, R., Wang, D., and Cernak, T. (2023). Computer-aided key step generation in alkaloid total synthesis. Science 379: 453–457.
2353. Böttner, L. et al. (2023). Natural rubber reduces herbivory and alters the microbiome below ground. New Phytol. 239: 1475–1489.
2354. Kumar, V., Chaudhary, P., Prasad, A., Dogra, V., and Kumar, A. (2023). Jasmonic acid limits Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA infection in rice by modulating reactive oxygen species homeostasis. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 196: 520–530.

前期日程試験 & 今週の輪読


2345. Jiang, B. et al. (2024). Characterization and heterologous reconstitution of Taxus biosynthetic enzymes leading to baccatin III. Science 383: 622–629.
2346. Lacchini, E. et al. (2023). The saponin bomb: a nucleolar-localized β-glucosidase hydrolyzes triterpene saponins in Medicago truncatula. New Phytol. 239: 705–719.
2347. Gross, J.J. et al. (2023). Turnover of benzoxazinoids during the aerobic deterioration of maize silage (Zea mays). J. Agric. Food Chem. 71: 2370–2376.
2348. Gu, B. et al. (2023). A single region of the Phytophthora infestans avirulence effector Avr3b functions in both cell death induction and plant immunity suppression. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 317–330.
2349. Zhang, W. et al. (2023). Discovery of a unique flavonoid biosynthesis mechanism in fungi by genome mining. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62: e202215529.

卒業論文発表会 & 今週の輪読

2/19(月)〜21(水)の 3 日間で食生命科学科の卒業論文発表会が開催され,生物制御化学研究室からは 1 名の学生が発表しました.今年度は修論発表会は対面開催されましたが,卒論発表会は Microsoft Teams を用いたオンライン開催で実施されました.オンライン開催だと参加の自由度は高いのですが,やはり個人的には対面でできればその方が良かったような気がしました.

2341. Brugger, A. et al. (2022). Hyperspectral imaging in the UV range allows for differentiation of sugar beet diseases based on changes in secondary plant metabolites. Phytopathology 113: 44–54.
2342. Liu, L. et al. (2023). Isolation and characterization of SPOTTED LEAF42 encoding a porphobilinogen deaminase in rice. Plants 12: 403.
2343. Liu, J. et al. (2024). The phenylalanine ammonia-lyase inhibitor AIP induces rice defence against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola. Mol. Plant Pathol. 25: e13424.
2344. Hu, J., Li, L., He, Y., Hong, G., and Zhang, C. (2024). Searching for the virulence-contributing genes of the Magnaporthe oryzae by transcriptome analysis. Pathogens 13: 105.

修士論文発表会 & 今週の輪読

2/15(木),16(金)の二日間で実践農食科学コース(生物制御化学研究室が所属する大学院のコース)の修士論文発表会が開催されました.今年度は新型コロナウイルス感染症の問題が発生する前の 2019 年以来の対面開催で行われました.生物制御化学研究室は今年度は M2 学生がいませんので,発表はありませんでした.

2338. Cai, W. et al. (2023). A receptor-like kinase controls the amplitude of secondary cell wall synthesis in rice. Curr. Biol. 33: 498–506.e6.
2339. Hu, X.-H. et al. (2023). A natural allele of proteasome maturation factor improves rice resistance to multiple pathogens. Nat. Plants 9: 228–237.
2340. Lorensen, M.D.B.B., Hayat, S.Y., Wellner, N., Bjarnholt, N., and Janfelt, C. (2023). Leaves of Cannabis sativa and their trichomes studied by DESI and MALDI mass spectrometry imaging for their contents of cannabinoids and flavonoids. Phytochem. Anal. 34: 269–279.


2333. Frick, E.M. et al. (2023). A family of methyl esterases converts methyl salicylate to salicylic acid in ripening tomato fruit. Plant Physiol. 191: 110–124.
2334. Meher, J., Lenka, S., Sarkar, A., and Sarma, B.K. (2023). Transcriptional regulation of OsWRKY genes in response to individual and overlapped challenges of Magnaporthe oryzae and drought in indica genotypes of rice. Environ. Exp. Bot. 207: 105221.
2335. Xue, R. et al. (2023). Rice defense responses orchestrated by oral bacteria of the rice striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. Rice 16: 1.
2336. Chen, H. et al. (2023). Calcineurin B-like interacting protein kinase 31 confers resistance to sheath blight via modulation of ROS homeostasis in rice. Mol. Plant Pathol. 24: 221–231.
2337. Kim, B. et al. (2023). Dynamic transcriptome changes driven by the mutation of OsCOP1 underlie flavonoid biosynthesis and embryogenesis in the developing rice seed. J. Plant Growth Regul. 42: 4436–4452.


2328. Mu, H. et al. (2023). MYB30 and MYB14 form a repressor–activator module with WRKY8 that controls stilbene biosynthesis in grapevine. Plant Cell 35: 552–573.
2329. Ablazov, A. et al. (2023). ZAXINONE SYNTHASE 2 regulates growth and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in rice. Plant Physiol. 191: 382–399.
2330. Lu, H. et al. (2023). Immune mechanism of ethylicin-induced resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in rice. J. Agric. Food Chem. 71: 288–299.
2331. Wilkinson, S.W. et al. (2023). Long-lasting memory of jasmonic acid-dependent immunity requires DNA demethylation and ARGONAUTE1. Nat. Plants 9: 81–95.
2332. Li, C. et al. (2023). Maize resistance to witchweed through changes in strigolactone biosynthesis. Science 379: 94–99.


2323. Volpe, V. et al. (2023). Long-lasting impact of chitooligosaccharide application on strigolactone biosynthesis and fungal accommodation promotes arbuscular mycorrhiza in Medicago truncatula. New Phytol. 237: 2316–2331.
2324. Bastawrous, M. et al. (2023). Lenz lenses in a cryoprobe: boosting NMR sensitivity toward environmental monitoring of mass-limited samples. Anal. Chem. 95: 1327–1334.
2325. Chen, H. et al. (2023). Inactivation of RPX1 in Arabidopsis confers resistance to Plutella xylostella through the accumulation of the homoterpene DMNT. Plant Cell Environ. 46: 946–961.
2326. Kariya, K. et al. Identification and evolution of a diterpenoid phytoalexin oryzalactone biosynthetic gene in the genus Oryza. Plant J. in press.
2327. Chen, T.-H. et al. (2023). The biosynthetic gene cluster of mushroom-derived antrocin encodes two dual-functional haloacid dehalogenase-like terpene cyclases. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62: e202215566.

大学入学共通テスト & 1/9〜19の輪読

1/1314 には茨城大学阿見キャンパスでも大学入学共通テストが開催されました.初日の午後には雪がちらつく天候でしたが,幸い交通機関などに大きな混乱もなく,おおむね順調だったと思います.

2314. Zhang, H. et al. (2022). ZmRop1 participates in maize defense response to the damage of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae through mediating ROS and soluble phenol production. Plant Direct 6: e468.
2315. Yoshida, Y., Nosaka-T, M., Yoshikawa, T., and Sato, Y. (2022). Measurements of antibacterial activity of seed crude extracts in cultivated rice and wild Oryza species. Rice 15: 63.
2316. Liu, C. et al. (2022). Novel plant growth regulator guvermectin from plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria boosts biomass and grain yield in rice. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 16229–16240.
2317. Sheng, Q. et al. (2022). Naringenin microsphere as a novel adjuvant reverses colistin resistance via various strategies against multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 16201–16217.
2318. Pandeya, D., Campbell, L.M., Puckhaber, L., Suh, C., and Rathore, K.S. (2022). Gossypol and related compounds are produced and accumulate in the aboveground parts of the cotton plant, independent of roots as the source. Planta 257: 21.
2319. Zhao, X.-H. et al. (2023). Asymmetric divergent synthesis of ent-kaurane-, ent-atisane-, ent-beyerane-, ent-trachylobane-, and ent-gibberellane-type diterpenoids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145: 311–321.
2320Giraldo-Acosta, M. et al. (2023). Protective effect (safener) of melatonin on Vigna radiata L. seedlings in the presence of the fungicide copper oxychloride. J. Plant Growth Regul. 42: 4918–4934.
2321. Bernal, J.S. et al. (2022). Root volatile profiles and herbivore preference are mediated by maize domestication, geographic spread, and modern breeding. Planta 257: 24.
2322. Ma, J., Morel, J.-B., Riemann, M., and Nick, P. (2022). Jasmonic acid contributes to rice resistance against Magnaporthe oryzae. BMC Plant Biol. 22: 601.

仕事始め & 先週の輪読

茨城大学の新年の業務は 1/4 から開始しました.
2312. Bai, M. et al. (2023). HSQC-based small molecule accurate recognition technology discovery of diverse cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from Elephantopus tomentosus L. and structural revision of molephantins A and B. Phytochemistry 206: 113562.
2313. Chen, J. et al. (2023). NLR surveillance of pathogen interference with hormone receptors induces immunity. Nature 613: 145–152.

仕事納め & 今週の輪読

年末年始の茨城大学は 12/281/3 が一斉休業日となっていて,年末の授業は 1/26 まで,新年の授業は 1/10 から開始です.


2309. Verhoeven, A. et al. (2023). The root-knot nematode effector MiMSP32 targets host 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 2 to regulate plant susceptibility. New Phytol. 237: 2360–2374.
2310. Wu, J., Zhu, W., and Zhao, Q. (2023). Salicylic acid biosynthesis is not from phenylalanine in Arabidopsis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 65: 881–887.
2311. Acharya, U., Das, T., Ghosh, Z., and Ghosh, A. (2022). Defense surveillance system at the interface: response of rice towards Rhizoctonia solani during sheath blight infection. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 35: 1081–1095.

11/27〜12/22の研究室セミナー & 輪読


の研究室セミナーは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Gu, X. et al. (2023). A rapidly spreading deleterious aphid endosymbiont that uses horizontal as well as vertical transmission. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 120: e2217278120.

の研究室セミナーは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Sato, A. et al. (2022). Indole-3-pyruvic acid regulates TAA1 activity, which plays a key role in coordinating the two steps of auxin biosynthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2203633119.

の研究室セミナーは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Xu, H.-X. et al. (2019). A salivary effector enables whitefly to feed on host plants by eliciting salicylic acid-signaling pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116: 490–495.

の研究室セミナーは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Suzuki, H., Kato, H., Iwano, M., Nishihama, R., and Kohchi, T. (2023). Auxin signaling is essential for organogenesis but not for cell survival in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. The Plant Cell 35: 1058–1075.

12/22 の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2289. Yue, Y., Bao, X., Jiang, J., and Li, J. (2022). Evaluation and correction of injection order effects in LC-MS/MS based targeted metabolomics. J. Chromatogr. B 1212: 123513.
2290. van Dijk, L.J.A., Abdelfattah, A., Ehrlén, J., and Tack, A.J.M. (2022). Soil microbiomes drive aboveground plant–pathogen–insect interactions. Oikos 2022: e09366.
2291. Khattab, I.M., Fischer, J., Kaźmierczak, A., Thines, E., and Nick, P. (2023). Ferulic acid is a putative surrender signal to stimulate programmed cell death in grapevines after infection with Neofusicoccum parvum. Plant Cell Environ. 46: 339–358.
2292. Wang, C.-Y., Li, L.-L., Meiners, S.J., and Kong, C.-H. (2023). Root placement patterns in allelopathic plant–plant interactions. New Phytol. 237: 563–575.
2293. Nguyen-Ngoc, H. et al. (2023). Insight into the role of phytoalexin naringenin and phytohormone abscisic acid in defense against phytopathogens Phytophthora infestans and Magnaporthe oryzae: In vitro and in silico approaches. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 127: 102123.
2294. Shimada, T. et al. (2024). Characterization of diterpene synthase genes in Brachypodium distachyon, a monocotyledonous model plant, provides evolutionary insight into their multiple homologs in cereals. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 88: 8–15.
2295. Ji, W., Mandal, S., Rezenom, Y.H., and McKnight, T.D. (2023). Specialized metabolism by trichome-enriched Rubisco and fatty acid synthase components. Plant Physiol. 191: 1199–1213.
2296. Rawat, A.A. et al. (2023). OXIDATIVE SIGNAL-INDUCIBLE1 induces immunity by coordinating N-hydroxypipecolic acid, salicylic acid, and camalexin synthesis. New Phytol. 237: 1285–1301.
2297. Fu, J. et al. (2023). ZmEREB92 interacts with ZmMYC2 to activate maize terpenoid phytoalexin biosynthesis upon Fusarium graminearum infection through jasmonic acid/ethylene signaling. New Phytol. 237: 1302–1319.
2298. Qi, F. et al. (2022). Microbial production of the plant-derived fungicide physcion. Metab. Eng. 74: 130–138.
2299. Li, Z.-X. et al. (2023). Widely targeted metabolomics analysis reveals the effect of exogenous auxin on postharvest resistance to Botrytis cinerea in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis L.). Postharvest Biol. Technol. 195: 112129.
2300. Daware, A. et al. (2023). Rice Pangenome Genotyping Array: an efficient genotyping solution for pangenome-based accelerated genetic improvement in rice. Plant J. 113: 26–46.
2301. Nie, Y. et al. (2022). A novel elicitor MoVcpo is necessary for the virulence of Magnaporthe oryzae and triggers rice defense responses. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 1018616.
2302. Suzuki, R. et al. (2022). Local auxin synthesis mediated by YUCCA4 induced during root-knot nematode infection positively regulates gall growth and nematode development. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 1019427.
2303. Li, R. et al. (2023). Melatonin functions as a broad-spectrum antifungal by targeting a conserved pathogen protein kinase. J. Pineal Res. 74: e12839.
2304. Pan, X. et al. (2022). Discovery, structure, and mechanism of a class II sesquiterpene cyclase. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144: 22067–22074.
2305. Pacheco-Hernández, Y., Villa-Ruano, N., Cruz-Duran, R., Becerra-Martínez, E., and Lozoya-Gloria, E. (2022). 1H-NMR metabolomics profiling and volatile content of ‘Hoja Santa’ (Piper auritum Kunth): a millenary edible plant consumed in Mexico. Chem. Biodiversity 19: e202200667.
2306. Poveda, J., Abril-Urías, P., Muñoz-Acero, J., and Nicolás, C. (2022). A potential role of salicylic acid in the evolutionary behavior of Trichoderma as a plant pathogen: from Marchantia polymorpha to Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 257: 6.
2307. Wang, K. et al. (2023). E3 ubiquitin ligase OsPIE3 destabilises the B-lectin receptor-like kinase PID2 to control blast disease resistance in rice. New Phytol. 237: 1826–1842.
2308. Li, L.-L., Li, Z., Lou, Y., Meiners, S.J., and Kong, C.-H. (2023). (−)-Loliolide is a general signal of plant stress that activates jasmonate-related responses. New Phytol. 238: 2099–2112.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

Zheng, K., and Hong, R. (2021). Total synthesis of LC-KA05, the proposed structure of LC-KA05-2, and 2,18-seco-lankacidinol B: A quest to revisit lankacidin biosynthesis. Tetrahedron 88: 132141.


2285. Afifi, O.A. et al. (2022). Genome-edited rice deficient in two 4-COUMARATE:COENZYME A LIGASE genes displays diverse lignin alterations. Plant Physiol. 190: 2155–2172.
2286. Jeblick, T. et al. (2023). Botrytis hypersensitive response inducing protein 1 triggers noncanonical PTI to induce plant cell death. Plant Physiol. 191: 125–141.
2287. Yimer, H.Z. et al. (2023). Root-knot nematodes produce functional mimics of tyrosine-sulfated plant peptides. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 120: e2304612120.
2288. Yao, C. et al. (2023). Stemborer-induced rice plant volatiles boost direct and indirect resistance in neighboring plants. New Phytol. 237: 2375–2387.


2280. Etl, F. et al. (2022). Evidence for the recruitment of florivorous plant bugs as pollinators. Curr. Biol. 32: 4688–4698.e6.
2281. Coelho-Bortolo, T.D.S. et al. (2023). L-DOPA impacts nitrate and ammonium uptake and their assimilation into amino acids by soybean (Glycine max L.) plants. J. Plant Growth Regul. 42: 4870–4884.
2282. Gao, L. et al. (2023). Aboveground herbivory can promote exotic plant invasion through intra- and interspecific aboveground–belowground interactions. New Phytol. 237: 2347–2359.
2283. Zhang, F. et al. (2022). Selenium application enhances the accumulation of flavones and anthocyanins in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 13431–13444.
2284. Ashraf, M.A. et al. (2023). Allicin decreases phytotxic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons by regulating oxidative defense and detoxification of cytotoxic compounds in wheat. J. Plant Growth Regul. 42: 3632–3649.

5/22-11/10 の輪読

2194. Sun, M. et al. (2022). Osa-miR1320 targets the ERF transcription factor OsERF096 to regulate cold tolerance via JA-mediated signaling. Plant Physiol. 189: 2500–2516.
2195. Sahu, K.P. et al. (2022). Deciphering core phyllomicrobiome assemblage on rice genotypes grown in contrasting agroclimatic zones: implications for phyllomicrobiome engineering against blast disease. Environmental Microbiome 17: 28.
2196. Jäckel, L. et al. (2022). The terminal enzymatic step in piperine biosynthesis is co-localized with the product piperine in specialized cells of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Plant J. 111: 731–747.
2197. Yu, H. et al. (2022). Greater chemical signaling in root exudates enhances soil mutualistic associations in invasive plants compared to natives. New Phytol. 236: 1140–1153.
2198. Guo, Q., Major, I.T., Kapali, G., and Howe, G.A. (2022). MYC transcription factors coordinate tryptophan-dependent defence responses and compromise seed yield in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. 236: 132–145.
2199. Liu, H. et al. (2022). Benzoxazines in the root exudates responsible for nonhost disease resistance of maize to Phytophthora sojae. Phytopathology 112: 1537–1544.
2200. Cooper, B., Campbell, K.B., and Garrett, W.M. (2022). Salicylic acid and phytoalexin induction by a bacterium that causes halo blight in beans. Phytopathology 112: 1766–1775.
2201. Karssemeijer, P.N. et al. (2022). Specialist root herbivore modulates plant transcriptome and downregulates defensive secondary metabolites in a brassicaceous plant. New Phytol. 235: 2378–2392.
2202. Serger, E. et al. (2022). The gut metabolite indole-3 propionate promotes nerve regeneration and repair. Nature 607: 585–592.
2203. Liu, M. et al. (2023). Sakuranetin protects rice from brown planthopper attack by depleting its beneficial endosymbionts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 120: e2305007120.
2204. Thimmappa, R. et al. (2022). Biosynthesis of saponin defensive compounds in sea cucumbers. Nat. Chem. Biol. 18: 774–781.
2205. Kharat, K.R., and Pottathil, R. (2022). Chemically defined elicitors activate priming in tomato seedlings. Plant Signaling Behav. 17: 2095143.
2206. Yao, Z. et al. (2022). NtCOMT1 responsible for phytomelatonin biosynthesis confers drought tolerance in Nicotiana tabacum. Phytochemistry 202: 113306.
2207. Zou, D. et al. (2022). Time-domain-based methyl proton NMR with absolute quantitation ability for targeted metabolomics. Anal. Chem. 94: 10062–10073.
2208. Sheshadri, S.A., Nishanth, M.J., and Simon, B. Melatonin influences terpenoid indole alkaloids biosynthesis and 5′ upstream-mediated regulation of Cell wall Invertase in Catharanthus roseus. J. Plant Growth Regul. in press.
2209. Jia, A. et al. (2022). TIR-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation reactions produce signaling molecules for plant immunity. Science 377: eabq8180.
2210. Huang, S. et al. (2022). Identification and receptor mechanism of TIR-catalyzed small molecules in plant immunity. Science 377: eabq3297.
2211. Wekre, M.E., Hellesen Brunvoll, S., and Jordheim, M. (2022). Advancing quantification methods for polyphenols in brown seaweeds—applying a selective qNMR method compared with the TPC assay. Phytochemical Analysis 33: 1099–1110.
2212. Huang, Y.-P., Chen, I.-H., Kao, Y.-S., Hsu, Y.-H., and Tsai, C.-H. (2022). The gibberellic acid derived from the plastidial MEP pathway is involved in the accumulation of Bamboo mosaic virus. New Phytol. 235: 1543–1557.
2213. Immel, S., Köck, M., and Reggelin, M. (2022). NMR-based configurational assignments of natural products: how floating chirality distance geometry calculations simplify gambling with 2N–1 diastereomers. J. Nat. Prod. 85: 1837–1849.
2214. Yoneyama, K., Xie, X., Nomura, T., Yoneyama, K., and Bennett, T. (2022). Supra-organismal regulation of strigolactone exudation and plant development in response to rhizospheric cues in rice. Curr. Biol. 32: 3601–3608.e3.
2215. Wheeldon, C.D., Hamon-Josse, M., Lund, H., Yoneyama, K., and Bennett, T. (2022). Environmental strigolactone drives early growth responses to neighboring plants and soil volume in pea. Curr. Biol. 32: 3593–3600.e3.
2216. Tiwari, R.K. et al. Melatonin-polyamine interplay in the regulation of stress responses in plants. J. Plant Growth Regul. in press.
2217. Alvarenga, D.O., and Rousk, K. (2022). Unraveling host–microbe interactions and ecosystem functions in moss–bacteria symbioses. J. Exp. Bot. 73: 4473–4486.
2218. Wang, Y. et al. (2022). Seed priming with calcium chloride enhances stress tolerance in rice seedlings. Plant Sci. 323: 111381.
2219. Kim, J.H. et al. (2022). Increasing the resilience of plant immunity to a warming climate. Nature 607: 339–344.
2220. Zhu, H., Zhou, H., Ren, Z., and Liu, E. (2022). Control of Magnaporthe oryzae and rice growth promotion by Bacillus subtilis JN005. J. Plant Growth Regul. 41: 2319–2327.
2221. López-Orenes, A., Ferrer, M.A., and Calderón, A.A. (2022). Microwave radiation as an inducer of secondary metabolite production in Drosera rotundifolia in vitro plantlets. J. Nat. Prod. 85: 2104–2109.
2222. Lu, H.-P. et al. (2022). An ABA-serotonin module regulates root suberization and salinity tolerance. New Phytol. 236: 958–973.
2223. Votta, C. et al. (2022). Zaxinone synthase controls arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization level in rice. Plant J. 111: 1688–1700.
2224. Deng, Q.-Q. et al. (2022). Damage of brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens and rice leaf folder (LF) Cnaphalocrocis medinalis in parent plants lead to distinct resistance in ratoon rice. Plant Signaling Behav. 17: 2096790.
2225. Breitel, D. et al. (2021). Metabolic engineering of tomato fruit enriched in L-DOPA. Metabolic Engineering 65: 185–196.
2226. Abadie, C., Lalande, J., and Tcherkez, G. (2022). Exact mass GC-MS analysis: Protocol, database, advantages and application to plant metabolic profiling. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 3171–3183.
2227. Zhang, X. et al. (2022). MAMP-elicited changes in amino acid transport activity contribute to restricting bacterial growth. Plant Physiol. 189: 2315–2331.
2228. Bergman, M.E. et al. (2022). An Arabidopsis GCMS chemical ionization technique to quantify adaptive responses in central metabolism. Plant Physiol. 189: 2072–2090.
2229. Xie, S. et al. (2022). Maize root exudates recruit Bacillus amyloliquefaciens OR2-30 to inhibit Fusarium graminearum infection. Phytopathology® 112: 1886–1893.
2230. Kanda, Y. et al. (2023). BSR1, a rice receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, positively regulates defense responses to herbivory. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24: 10395.
2231. Chen, P., Dai, C., Liu, H., and Hou, M. (2022). Identification of key headspace volatile compounds signaling preference for rice over corn in adult females of the rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 9826–9833.
2232. Zhong, Y. et al. (2022). Root-secreted bitter triterpene modulates the rhizosphere microbiota to improve plant fitness. Nat. Plants 8: 887–896.
2233. Zhang, F. et al. (2022). Flavonoid metabolic profiles and gene mapping of rice (Oryza sativa L.) purple gradient grain hulls. Rice 15: 43.
2234. Zhao, C.-x. et al. (2022). 1H-NMR-guided isolation of enantiomeric coumarin-monoterpenes with anti-inflammatory activity from Gerbera piloselloides. Phytochemistry 203: 113346.
2235. Wang, B. et al. (2022). Sulforaphane, a secondary metabolite in crucifers, inhibits the oxidative stress adaptation and virulence of Xanthomonas by directly targeting OxyR. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 1508–1523.
2236. Kapoor, R. et al. (2022). Stress responsive OsHyPRP16 promoter driven early expression of resistance gene Pi54 potentiate the resistance against Magnaporthe oryzae in transgenic rice. Plant Sci. 324: 111413.
2237. Bindics, J. et al. (2022). Many ways to TOPLESS – manipulation of plant auxin signalling by a cluster of fungal effectors. New Phytol. 236: 1455–1470.
2238. Xiang, Z., Okada, D., Asuke, S., Nakayashiki, H., and Ikeda, K. (2022). Novel insights into host specificity of Pyricularia oryzae and Pyricularia grisea in the infection of gramineous plant roots. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 1658–1670.
2239. Shabbir, A. et al. (2022). Magnaporthe oryzae chloroplast targeting endo-β-1,4-xylanase I MoXYL1A regulates conidiation, appressorium maturation and virulence of the rice blast fungus. Rice 15: 44.
2240. Su, Y. et al. (2022). Rational engineering of a synthetic insect-bacterial mutualism. Curr. Biol. 32: 3925–3938.e6.
2241. Dauda, W.P. et al. (2022). Metabolomic analysis of sheath blight disease of rice (Oryza sativa L.) induced by Rhizoctonia solani phytotoxin. Journal of Applied Microbiology 133: 3215–3227.
2242. Ogawa, S. et al. (2022). Strigolactones are chemoattractants for host tropism in Orobanchaceae parasitic plants. Nat. Commun. 13: 4653.
2243. Niu, Y. et al. (2022). Phosphorylation of OsTGA5 by casein kinase II compromises its suppression of defense-related gene transcription in rice. The Plant Cell 34: 3425–3442.
2244. Li, C.-Y. et al. (2022). The sage genome provides insight into the evolutionary dynamics of diterpene biosynthesis gene cluster in plants. Cell Rep. 40: 111236.
2245. Zeng, M. et al. (2022). The mycorrhizal symbiosis alters the plant defence strategy in a model legume plant. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 3412–3428.
2246. Huang, Q., Han, X., Zhang, G., Zhu-Salzman, K., and Cheng, W. (2022). Plant volatiles mediate host selection of Sitodiplosis mosellana (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) among wheat varieties. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 10466–10475.
2247. Lin, P., Crooks, D.R., Linehan, W.M., Fan, T.W.-M., and Lane, A.N. (2022). Resolving enantiomers of 2-hydroxy acids by nuclear magnetic resonance. Anal. Chem. 94: 12286–12291.
2248. Yoshihisa, A. et al. (2022). The rice OsERF101 transcription factor regulates the NLR Xa1-mediated immunity induced by perception of TAL effectors. New Phytol. 236: 1441–1454.
2249. Adolfo, L.M., Burks, D., Rao, X., Alvarez-Hernandez, A., and Dixon, R.A. (2022). Evaluation of pathways to the C-glycosyl isoflavone puerarin in roots of kudzu (Pueraria montana lobata). Plant Direct 6: e442.
2250. Choudhury, S. et al. (2022). Jasmonate mediated inducible accumulation of indole glucosinolates confers resistance against Alternaria blight disease in cruciferous wild species Diplotaxis erucoides. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 122: 101904.
2251. Wang, J., Zhang, X., Greene, G.H., Xu, G., and Dong, X. (2022). PABP/purine-rich motif as an initiation module for cap-independent translation in pattern-triggered immunity. Cell 185: 3186–3200.e17.
2252. Li, H., and Dickschat, J.S. (2022). Diterpene biosynthesis from geranylgeranyl diphosphate analogues with changed reactivities expands skeletal diversity. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61: e202211054.
2253. Friml, J. et al. (2022). ABP1–TMK auxin perception for global phosphorylation and auxin canalization. Nature 609: 575–581.
2254. Byron, J. et al. (2022). Chiral monoterpenes reveal forest emission mechanisms and drought responses. Nature 609: 307–312.
2255. Smith, M.J., Castañar, L., Adams, R.W., Morris, G.A., and Nilsson, M. (2022). Giving Pure Shift NMR spectroscopy a REST─ultrahigh-resolution mixture analysis. Anal. Chem. 94: 12757–12761.
2256. Cai, X.-Y. et al. (2022). An epigenetic modifier enhances the generation of anti-phytopathogenic compounds from the endophytic fungus Chaetomium globosporum of Euphorbia humifusa. Phytochemistry 203: 113426.
2257. Grover, S., Puri, H., Xin, Z., Sattler, S.E., and Louis, J. (2022). Dichotomous role of jasmonic acid in modulating sorghum defense against aphids. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 35: 755–767.
2258. Kneeshaw, S. et al. (2022). Ligand diversity contributes to the full activation of the jasmonate pathway in Marchantia polymorpha. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2202930119.
2259. Sun, M. et al. (2022). Naringenin confers defence against Phytophthora nicotianae through antimicrobial activity and induction of pathogen resistance in tobacco. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 1737–1750.
2260. Su, L. et al. (2022). MsMYB741 is involved in alfalfa resistance to aluminum stress by regulating flavonoid biosynthesis. Plant J. 112: 756–771.
2261. Yang, J. et al. (2022). SnRK1A-mediated phosphorylation of a cytosolic ATPase positively regulates rice innate immunity and is inhibited by Ustilaginoidea virens effector SCRE1. New Phytol. 236: 1422–1440.
2262. Feng, Q. et al. (2022). Osa-miR160a confers broad-spectrum resistance to fungal and bacterial pathogens in rice. New Phytol. 236: 2216–2232.
2263. Chang, C.-H. et al. (2023). The involvement of AtMKK1 and AtMKK3 in plant-deleterious microbial volatile compounds-induced defense responses. Plant Mol. Biol. 111: 21–36.
2264. Chiu, C.H., Roszak, P., Orvošová, M., and Paszkowski, U. (2022). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi induce lateral root development in angiosperms via a conserved set of MAMP receptors. Curr. Biol. 32: 4428–4437.e3.
2265. Wang, Z. et al. (2022). AIG2A and AIG2B limit the activation of salicylic acid-regulated defenses by tryptophan-derived secondary metabolism in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 34: 4641–4660.
2266. Tang, J. et al. (2022). WRKY53 negatively regulates rice cold tolerance at the booting stage by fine-tuning anther gibberellin levels. The Plant Cell 34: 4495–4515.
2267. Sun, Y. et al. (2022). Plant receptor-like protein activation by a microbial glycoside hydrolase. Nature 610: 335–342.
2268. Chen, X. et al. (2023). A highly accumulated secretory protein from cotton bollworm interacts with basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors to dampen plant defense. New Phytol. 237: 265–278.
2269. Förderer, A. et al. (2022). A wheat resistosome defines common principles of immune receptor channels. Nature 610: 532–539.
2270. Dallagnol, A.M., Dallagnol, V.C., Vignolo, G.M., Lopes, N.P., and Brunetti, A.E. (2022). Flavonoids and phenylethylamides are pivotal factors affecting the antimicrobial properties of stingless bee honey. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 12596–12603.
2271. Choi, C. et al. (2022). OsDWD1 E3 ligase-mediated OsNPR1 degradation suppresses basal defense in rice. Plant J. 112: 966–981.
2272. Batson, A.M., Gyawali, S., and du Toit, L.J. (2022). Shedding light on races of the spinach Fusarium wilt pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae. Phytopathology 112: 2138–2150.
2273. Tiedge, K. et al. (2022). Comparative transcriptomics and metabolomics reveal specialized metabolite drought stress responses in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). New Phytol. 236: 1393–1408.
2274. Wang, Q. et al. (2022). Glutathione S-transferase interactions enhance wheat resistance to powdery mildew but not wheat stripe rust. Plant Physiol. 190: 1418–1439.
2275. Souleyre, E.J.F. et al. (2022). Alcohol acyl transferase genes at a high-flavor intensity locus contribute to ester biosynthesis in kiwifruit. Plant Physiol. 190: 1100–1116.
2276. Chungloo, D. et al. (2023). Mitigation of water-deficit stress, physio-morphological adaptation, and elevation of andrographolide in Andrographis paniculata using foliar glycine betaine. J. Plant Growth Regul. 42: 6273–6285.
2277. Takeda, T. et al. (2022). Rice apoplastic CBM1-interacting protein counters blast pathogen invasion by binding conserved carbohydrate binding module 1 motif of fungal proteins. PLOS Pathogens 18: e1010792.
2278. Li, T. et al. (2022). A Phytophthora capsici RXLR effector manipulates plant immunity by targeting RAB proteins and disturbing the protein trafficking pathway. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 1721–1736.
2279. Wang, J. et al. (2022). Betulin, synthesized by PpCYP716A1, is a key endogenous defensive metabolite of peach against aphids. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 12865–12877.


2189. Scesa, P.D., Lin, Z., and Schmidt, E.W. (2022). Ancient defensive terpene biosynthetic gene clusters in the soft corals. Nat. Chem. Biol. 18: 659–663.
2190. Li, J. et al. (2022). Biofortified tomatoes provide a new route to vitamin D sufficiency. Nat. Plants 8: 611–616.
2191. Tu, S. et al. De novo biosynthesis of sakuranetin from glucose by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. in press.
2192. Wei, Y. et al. (2022). The coordination of melatonin and anti-bacterial activity by EIL5 underlies ethylene-induced disease resistance in cassava. Plant J. 111: 683–697.
2193. Chrétien, L.T.S. et al. (2022). Plant metabolism and defence strategies in the flowering stage: Time-dependent responses of leaves and flowers under attack. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 2841–2855.


2184. Kariya, K. et al. (2023). Natural variation of diterpenoid phytoalexins in rice: Aromatic diterpenoid phytoalexins in specific cultivars. Phytochemistry 211: 113708.
2185. Chen, X. et al. (2022). A secreted fungal effector suppresses rice immunity through host histone hypoacetylation. New Phytol. 235: 1977–1994.
2186. Qiao, D. et al. (2022). A monoterpene synthase gene cluster of tea plant (Camellia sinensis) potentially involved in constitutive and herbivore-induced terpene formation. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 184: 1–13.
2187. Yu, H. et al. (2022). Maize FERONIA-like receptor genes are involved in the response of multiple disease resistance in maize. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 1331–1345.
2188. Burkhardt, I., de Rond, T., Chen, P.Y.-T., and Moore, B.S. (2022). Ancient plant-like terpene biosynthesis in corals. Nat. Chem. Biol. 18: 664–669.

ゴールデンウィーク & 4/24-5/2 の輪読

ゴールデンウィークは 5/1, 2 も休みで 9 連休という方も結構いると思いますが,茨城大学は暦通りに授業が実施されました.実はこれでもましな方で,大学も授業回数を厳密に確保することが求められるようになっているので,一部の大学では祝日に授業を実施しているところもあるようです.

5/2 の一人輪読では下記の論文を読みました.
2177. Nguyen, N.H. et al. (2022). Camalexin accumulation as a component of plant immunity during interactions with pathogens and beneficial microbes. Planta 255: 116.
2178. Liao, Z. et al. (2022). The lipoxygenase gene OsRCI-1 is involved in the biosynthesis of herbivore-induced JAs and regulates plant defense and growth in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 2827–2840.
2179. Mehra, P. et al. (2022). OsJAZ11 regulates spikelet and seed development in rice. Plant Direct 6: e401.
2180. da Cruz Ramos Pires, G.H. et al. (2022). Sakuranetin interacting with cell membranes models: Surface chemistry combined with molecular simulation. Colloids Surf., B 216: 112546.
2181. Sato, K. et al. (2022). Green tea catechins, (−)-catechin gallate, and (−)-gallocatechin gallate are potent inhibitors of ABA-induced stomatal closure. Adv. Sci. 9: 2201403.
2182. Wang, L., Fu, J., Shen, Q., and Wang, Q. OsWRKY10 extensively activates multiple rice diterpenoid phytoalexin biosynthesis to enhance rice blast resistance. Plant J. in press.
2183. Chavan, S.N. et al. (2022). Dehydroascorbate induces plant resistance in rice against root knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 1303–1319.


2172. Sun, F. et al. (2022). AaTAS1 and AaMFS1 genes for biosynthesis or efflux transport of tenuazonic acid and pathogenicity of Alternaria alternata. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 35: 416–427.
2173. Ma, D. et al. (2022). Green leaf volatile trans-2-hexenal inhibits the growth of Fusarium graminearum by inducing membrane damage, ROS accumulation, and cell dysfunction. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 5646–5657.
2174. Ullah, C., Schmidt, A., Reichelt, M., Tsai, C.-J., and Gershenzon, J. (2022). Lack of antagonism between salicylic acid and jasmonate signalling pathways in poplar. New Phytol. 235: 701–717.
2175. Nguyen, H.T. et al. (2022). Insights into the genetics of the Zhonghua 11 resistance to Meloidogyne graminicola and Its molecular determinism in rice. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 854961.
2176. Liu, Z. et al. (2022). Phytocytokine signalling reopens stomata in plant immunity and water loss. Nature 605: 332–339.

授業開始 & 今週の輪読

先週から今週の初めまでは入学式やガイダンスで授業はなく,水曜日から新年度の授業が始まりました.今年度からは一部の例外を除いてほぼ全てが対面授業になりましたので,阿見キャンパスにも 2, 3 年生が戻ってきて久しぶりの賑やかな新年度開始になっています.


2167. Wang, L. et al. (2023). The OsBDR1-MPK3 module negatively regulates blast resistance by suppressing the jasmonate signaling and terpenoid biosynthesis pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 120: e2211102120.
2168. Ameixa, O.M.C.C., Rebelo, J., Silva, H., and Pinto, D.C.G.A. (2022). Gall midge Baldratia salicorniae Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) infestation on Salicornia europaea L. induces the production of specialized metabolites with biotechnological potential. Phytochemistry 200: 113207.
2169. Klinnawe, L., Kaewchumnong, K., and Nualtem, K. (2023). Effect of phosphorus deficiency on allelopathic activity of lowland indica rice. ScienceAsia 49: 184–191.
2170. Pires, G.H.D.C.R., Barbosa, H., Almeida, R.B.P., Lago, J.H.G., and Caseli, L. (2023). Ethanolamine phospholipids at the air-water interface as cell membranes models of microorganisms to study the nanotoxicology of sakuranetin. Thin Solid Films 770: 139768.
2171. Huang, J. et al. (2022). Enantioselective response of wheat seedlings to imazethapyr: from the perspective of fe and the secondary metabolite DIMBOA. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 5516–5525.


2162. Inagaki, H. et al. Genome editing reveals both the crucial role of OsCOI2 in jasmonate signaling and the functional diversity of COI1 homologs in rice. Plant Cell Physiol. in press.
2163. Zhang, Y. et al. (2022). Disruption of the primary salicylic acid hydroxylases in rice enhances broad-spectrum resistance against pathogens. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 2211–2225.
2164. Jia, Q. et al. (2022). Origin and early evolution of the plant terpene synthase family. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2100361119.
2165. Ishida, T., Watanabe, B., Mashiguchi, K., and Yamaguchi, S. (2022). Synthesis and structure–activity relationship of 16,17-modified gibberellin derivatives. Phytochem. Lett. 49: 162–166.
2166. Polturak, G. et al. (2022). Pathogen-induced biosynthetic pathways encode defense-related molecules in bread wheat. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2123299119.


2157. Bartholomew, H.P. et al. (2022). More than a virulence factor: patulin is a non-host-specific toxin that inhibits postharvest phytopathogens and requires efflux for Penicillium tolerance. Phytopathology 112: 1165–1174.
2158. Kalsi, H.S., Karkhanis, A.A., Natarajan, B., Bhide, A.J., and Banerjee, A.K. (2022). AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 16 (StARF16) regulates defense gene StNPR1 upon infection with necrotrophic pathogen in potato. Plant Mol. Biol. 109: 13–28.
2159. Wang, X. et al. (2022). Supplementation with rac-GR24 facilitates the accumulation of biomass and astaxanthin in two successive stages of Haematococcus pluvialis cultivation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 4677–4689.
2160. Shamloo-Dashtpagerdi, R., Aliakbari, M., Lindlöf, A., and Tahmasebi, S. (2022). A systems biology study unveils the association between a melatonin biosynthesis gene, O-methyl transferase 1 (OMT1) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) combined drought and salinity stress tolerance. Planta 255: 99.
2161. Kakeshpour, T., and Bax, A. (2022). Simultaneous quantification of H2O2 and organic hydroperoxides by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Anal. Chem. 94: 5729–5733.


2152. Wang, Q. et al. (2022). Three highly conserved hydrophobic residues in the predicted α2-helix of rice NLR protein Pit contribute to its localization and immune induction. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 1876–1890.
2153. Ren, Z. et al. (2022). MTA1-mediated RNA m6A modification regulates autophagy and is required for infection of the rice blast fungus. New Phytol. 235: 247–262.
2154. Mashiguchi, K. et al. (2022). A carlactonoic acid methyltransferase that contributes to the inhibition of shoot branching in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2111565119.
2155. Chen, S., Sun, B., Shi, Z., Miao, X., and Li, H. (2022). Identification of the rice genes and metabolites involved in dual resistance against brown planthopper and rice blast fungus. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 1914–1929.
2156. Hasan, M.S. et al. (2022). Glutathione contributes to plant defence against parasitic cyst nematodes. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 1048–1059.


2150. Tokuda, M. et al. (2022). Terrestrial arthropods broadly possess endogenous phytohormones auxin and cytokinins. Sci Rep. 12: 4750.
2151. Ma, C. et al. (2022). Priming of rice seed with decoyinine enhances resistance against the brown planthopper Nilparvata lugens. Crop Prot. 157: 105970.


生物制御化学研究室が所属している農学専攻実践農食科学コースの修士論文発表会が 2/14, 15,食生命科学科の卒業論文発表会が 2/16, 17, 20 に開催されています.他のコースや学科では今年度は対面で実施しているところもあるようなのですが,我々のコース・学科は今年度もオンラインでの実施です.

1 名は 2/144 年生 1 名は 2/17 に立派に発表することができました.


2146. De La Peña, R. et al. (2023). Complex scaffold remodeling in plant triterpene biosynthesis. Science 379: 361–368.
2147. Steinbrenner, A.D. et al. (2022). Signatures of plant defense response specificity mediated by herbivore-associated molecular patterns in legumes. Plant J. 110: 1255–1270.
2148. Schulman, P. et al. (2021). A microbial fermentation product induces defense-related transcriptional changes and the accumulation of phenolic compounds in Glycine max. Phytopathology 112: 862–871.
2149. Bettgenhaeuser, J. et al. (2021). The barley immune receptor Mla recognizes multiple pathogens and contributes to host range dynamics. Nat. Commun. 12: 6915.


2143. Zhao, L., Oyagbenro, R., Feng, Y., Xu, M., and Peters, R.J. Oryzalexin S biosynthesis: a cross-stitched disappearing pathway. aBIOTECH in press.
2144. Hong, B. et al. (2022). Biosynthesis of strychnine. Nature 607: 617–622.
2145. Tsurumoto, T. et al. (2022). Effect of high-dose 290 nm UV-B on resveratrol content in grape skins. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 86: 502–508.


2140. Li, P. et al. (2022). Diverse roles of MYB transcription factors in regulating secondary metabolite biosynthesis, shoot development, and stress responses in tea plants (Camellia sinensis). Plant J. 110: 1144–1165.
2141. Dong, S., Sun, A., Tan, K., and Nieh, J.C. (2022). Identification of giant hornet Vespa mandarinia queen sex pheromone components. Curr. Biol. 32: R211–R212.
2142. Li, R., Wu, L., Shao, Y., Hu, Q., and Zhang, H. (2022). Melatonin alleviates copper stress to promote rice seed germination and seedling growth via crosstalk among various defensive response pathways. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 179: 65–77.


2136. Gupta, A. et al. (2022). Medicarpin confers powdery mildew resistance in Medicago truncatula and activates the salicylic acid signalling pathway. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 966–983.
2137. Piesik, D. et al. (2022). Induction of volatile organic compounds in Triticum aestivum (wheat) plants following infection by different Rhizoctonia pathogens is species specific. Phytochemistry 198: 113162.
2138. He, X., Jiang, Y., Chen, S., Chen, F., and Chen, F. Terpenoids and their possible role in defense against a fungal pathogen Alternaria tenuissima in Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivars. J. Plant Growth Regul. in press.
2139. Sun, B. et al. OsGLP3-7 positively regulates rice immune response by activating hydrogen peroxide, jasmonic acid, and phytoalexin metabolic pathways. Mol. Plant Pathol. in press.


2133. Janků, M. et al. (2022). Structure-activity relationships of oomycete elicitins uncover the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in triggering plant defense responses. Plant Sci. 319: 111239.
2134. Dong, X., Sun, L., Maker, G., Ren, Y., and Yu, X. (2022). Ozone treatment increases the release of VOC from barley, which modifies seed germination. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 3127–3135.
2135. Goto, T., Soyano, T., Liu, M., Mori, T., and Kawaguchi, M. (2022). Auxin methylation by IAMT1, duplicated in the legume lineage, promotes root nodule development in Lotus japonicus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2116549119.

共通テスト & 先週の輪読

1/14, 15 には茨城大学農学部でも大学入学共通テストが実施されました.時折小雨が降る不安定な天気でしたが,幸いこの時期にしては暖かな日で雪や路面凍結のような問題は発生しませんでした.

2130. Ozber, N., and Facchini, P.J. (2022). Phloem-specific localization of benzylisoquinoline alkaloid metabolism in opium poppy. J. Plant Physiol. 271: 153641.
2131. Sánchez-Sanuy, F. et al. (2022). Iron induces resistance against the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae through potentiation of immune responses. Rice 15: 68.
2132. Sonawane, P.D. et al. (2022). 2-Oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases drive expansion of steroidal alkaloid structural diversity in the genus Solanum. New Phytol. 234: 1394–1410.

仕事始め,105 分授業,今週の輪読

1/4 から業務開始,1/6 から授業開始となりました.授業開始の後にすぐに三連休となったので,遠方に帰省している学生にとってはちょっと厳しい日程になりました.近年は授業回数の確保が厳格化されているためにどうしても厳しいスケジュールになってしまう傾向があります.

そういう問題を解決するという意味もあって,2024 4 月から茨城大学では従来の 90 分授業を 105 分授業に変更することが決定されています(令和6年度からの授業時間の変更について).これにより今までの 15 +期末試験が 13 +期末試験に変更になるため,授業のスケジュールに余裕を持たせられるようになることが期待されています.しかし,その代償として一コマの授業がかなり長時間になってしまうので,教える立場としては授業をより一層工夫しないと 90 分でも飽きられてしまいがちなのに,さらに学生に飽きられてしまいそうです.また,5 講時終了は 18:45 とかなり遅い時刻になってしまいます.

今週の輪読は 1/5 から始めて下記の論文を取り上げました.
2128. Mahdi, L.K. et al. (2022). The fungal root endophyte Serendipita vermifera displays inter-kingdom synergistic beneficial effects with the microbiota in Arabidopsis thaliana and barley. ISME J. 16: 876–889.
2129. Korgaonkar, A. et al. (2021). A novel family of secreted insect proteins linked to plant gall development. Curr. Biol. 31: 1836–1849.e12.


茨城大学は 12/26 が冬休み前の最後の授業日で,12/27 からは教職員も原則的に計画年休を取得することになっているため,仕事納めにもなりました.まだまだコロナ問題が続いているため,今年も忘年会などはなく,静かに年末を迎えています.新年は 1/4 が仕事始めで,授業開始は 1/6 です.


2127. Wang, J., Zhang, C., and Li, Y. (2022). Genome-wide identification and expression profiles of 13 key structural gene families involved in the biosynthesis of rice flavonoid scaffolds. Genes 13: 410.


2124. Pu, Z., Shen, C., Zhang, W., Xie, H., and Wang, W. (2022). Avenanthramide C from oats protects pyroptosis through dependent ROS-induced mitochondrial damage by PI3K ubiquitination and phosphorylation in pediatric pneumonia. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 2339–2353.
2125. Nguyen, N.H. et al. (2022). Priming of camalexin accumulation in induced systemic resistance by beneficial bacteria against Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. J. Exp. Bot. 73: 3743–3757.
2126. Dong, L. et al. (2022). Identification and characterization of auxin/IAA biosynthesis pathway in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. J. Fungi 8: 208.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室修士 2 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Tao, H. et al. (2022). Discovery of non-squalene triterpenes. Nature 606: 414–419.


2120. Yan, C. et al. Alfin-like transcription factor VqAL4 regulates a stilbene synthase to enhance powdery mildew resistance in grapevine. Mol. Plant Pathol. in press.
2121. De la Concepcion, J.C. et al. (2022). A blast fungus zinc-finger fold effector binds to a hydrophobic pocket in host Exo70 proteins to modulate immune recognition in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2210559119.
2122. Hildreth, S.B. et al. (2022). Mutations that alter Arabidopsis flavonoid metabolism affect the circadian clock. Plant J. 110: 932–945.
2123. Wu, J. et al. (2022). Rice defense against brown planthopper partially by suppressing the expression of transferrin family genes of brown planthopper. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 2839–2850.


2116. Sakamoto, S. et al. (2022). A nonproteinogenic amino acid, β-tyrosine, accumulates in young rice leaves via long-distance phloem transport from mature leaves. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 86: 427–434.
2117. Liao, A. et al. (2022). Discovery of phytoalexin camalexin and its derivatives as novel antiviral and antiphytopathogenic-fungus agents. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 2554–2563.
2118. Xu, X. et al. (2022). OsWRKY62 and OsWRKY76 interact with importin α1s for negative regulation of defensive responses in rice nucleus. Rice 15: 12.
2119. Xu, M. et al. (2022). A fungal microRNA-like RNA subverts host immunity and facilitates pathogen infection by silencing two host receptor-like kinase genes. New Phytol. 233: 2503–2519.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Fandino, R.A. et al. (2019). Mutagenesis of odorant coreceptor Orco fully disrupts foraging but not oviposition behaviors in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116: 15677–15685.


2113. Zhang, J., Li, Y., Bao, Q., Wang, H., and Hou, S. (2022). Plant elicitor peptide 1 fortifies root cell walls and triggers a systemic root-to-shoot immune signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling Behav. 17: 2034270.
2114. Ihara, Y. et al. (2022). Developing a platform for production of the oxylipin KODA in plants. J. Exp. Bot. 73: 3044–3052.
2115. Anh, L.H. et al. (2022). Cytotoxic mechanism of momilactones A and B against acute promyelocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma cell lines. Cancers 14: 4848.


2109. Fu, R. et al. (2022). Substrate promiscuity of acyltransferases contributes to the diversity of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in purple coneflower. Plant J. 110: 802–813.
2110. Yin, Y. et al. (2022). Melatonin mediates isoflavone accumulation in germinated soybeans (Glycine max L.) under ultraviolet-B stress. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 175: 23–32.
2111. Poonia, B.K., Sidhu, A., and Sharma, A.B. (2022). Cyclo(l-proline-l-serine) dipeptide suppresses seed borne fungal pathogens of rice: altered cellular membrane integrity of fungal hyphae and seed quality benefits. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 2160–2168.
2112. Li, D. et al. (2022). OsTGAL1 suppresses the resistance of rice to bacterial blight disease by regulating the expression of salicylic acid glucosyltransferase OsSGT1. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 1584–1602.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Son, H.-U. et al. (2019). Effects of synergistic Inhibition on α-glucosidase by phytoalexins in soybeans. Biomolecules 9: 828.


2105. Todesco, M. et al. (2022). Genetic basis and dual adaptive role of floral pigmentation in sunflowers. eLife 11: e72072.
2106. Dani, K.G.S. et al. (2022). Isoprene enhances leaf cytokinin metabolism and induces early senescence. New Phytol. 234: 961–974.
2107. Bai, Y. et al. (2022). Natural history–guided omics reveals plant defensive chemistry against leafhopper pests. Science 375: eabm2948.
2108. Fiorilli, V. et al. (2022). A structural homologue of the plant receptor D14 mediates responses to strigolactones in the fungal phytopathogen Cryphonectria parasitica. New Phytol. 234: 1003–1017.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Hsu, P.-K. et al. (2021). Raf-like kinases and receptor-like (pseudo)kinase GHR1 are required for stomatal vapor pressure difference response. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2107280118.


2104. Kaur, S., Campbell, B.J., and Suseela, V. (2022). Root metabolome of plant–arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis mirrors the mutualistic or parasitic mycorrhizal phenotype. New Phytol. 234: 672–687.

研究室セミナー & 先週の輪読

先週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Figueiredo, M.R.A.D. et al. (2022). An in-frame deletion mutation in the degron tail of auxin coreceptor IAA2 confers resistance to the herbicide 2,4-D in Sisymbrium orientale. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119: e2105819119.


2101. Brambilla, A. et al. (2022). Immunity-associated volatile emissions of β-ionone and nonanal propagate defence responses in neighbouring barley plants. J. Exp. Bot. 73: 615–630.
2102. Sobolev, V.S. et al. (2022). Transformation of major peanut (Arachis hypogaea) stilbenoid phytoalexins caused by selected microorganisms. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 1101–1110.
2103. Shirasawa, K., Esumi, T., Itai, A., and Isobe, S. (2022). Cherry blossom forecast based on transcriptome of floral organs approaching blooming in the flowering cherry (Cerasus × yedoensis) cultivar ‘Somei-Yoshino’. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 802203.


10/22, 23 には茨城大学農学部の学園祭である鍬耕祭が 3 年ぶりに開催されました.新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で二年間開催できなかったため,今回の開催はかなり大変だったと思いますが,実行委員をはじめとした学生たちの頑張りのおかげでなかなか盛況であったようです.秋のミニミニオープンキャンパスとして学部説明会や模擬授業も行われ,長谷川は広報委員長として学部説明を担当しました.鍬耕祭の様子は茨大広報学生プロジェクトの記事がこちらに掲載されています.

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Zheng, Y. et al. (2021). Auxin guides germ-cell specification in Arabidopsis anthers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2101492118.


2097. Yin, X. et al. (2022). Cinnamoyl CoA: NADP oxidoreductase-like 1 regulates abscisic acid response by modulating phaseic acid homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Exp. Bot. 73: 860–872.
2098. Qian, B. et al. (2022). MoErv29 promotes apoplastic effector secretion contributing to virulence of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. New Phytol. 233: 1289–1302.
2099. Ampt, E.A. et al. (2022). Plant neighbours can make or break the disease transmission chain of a fungal root pathogen. New Phytol. 233: 1303–1316.
2100. Zhai, K. et al. (2022). NLRs guard metabolism to coordinate pattern- and effector-triggered immunity. Nature 601: 245–251.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室修士 2 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Sato, Y. et al. (2021). Insecticide resistance by a host-symbiont reciprocal detoxification. Nat. Commun. 12: 6432.


2093. Sun, H., Zuo, X., Zhang, Q., Gao, J., and Kai, G. (2022). Elicitation of (E)-2-hexenal and 2,3-butanediol on the bioactive compounds in adventitious roots of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 470–479.
2094. Wang, C. et al. (2022). Identifying key metabolites associated with glucosinolate biosynthesis in response to nitrogen management strategies in two rapeseed (Brassica napus) varieties. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 634–645.
2095. Zhang, L.-L. et al. (2022). Osa-miR535 targets SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like 4 to regulate blast disease resistance in rice. Plant J. 110: 166–178.
2096. Panda, S. et al. (2022). Steroidal alkaloids defence metabolism and plant growth are modulated by the joint action of gibberellin and jasmonate signalling. New Phytol. 233: 1220–1237.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週から研究室セミナーでの文献紹介が始まりました.今週は生物制御化学研究室修士 2 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Charoenpattarapreeda, J., Walsh, S.J., Carroll, J.S., and Spring, D.R. (2020). Expeditious total synthesis of hemiasterlin through a convergent multicomponent strategy and its use in targeted cancer therapeutics. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59: 23045–23050.


2090. Yang, W. et al. (2022). Degraded metabolites of phlorizin promote germination of Valsa mali var. mali in its host Malus spp. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 149–156.
2091. König, S. et al. (2022). Sphingolipid-induced programmed cell death is a salicylic acid and EDS1-dependent phenotype in Arabidopsis Fatty Acid Hydroxylase (Fah1, Fah2) and Ceramide Synthase (Loh2) triple mutants. Plant Cell Physiol. 63: 317–325.
2092. Guzman, A.L., and Hoye, T.R. (2022). TMS is superior to residual CHCl3 for use as the internal reference for routine 1H NMR spectra recorded in CDCl3. J. Org. Chem. 87: 905–909.


2086. Li, J. et al. (2022). Ceramides regulate defense response by binding to RbohD in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 109: 1427–1440.
2087. Qin, X. et al. (2022). An unconventionally secreted effector from the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, Mi-ISC-1, promotes parasitism by disrupting salicylic acid biosynthesis in host plants. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 516–529.
2088. Zhao, M. et al. (2022). Eugenol functions as a signal mediating cold and drought tolerance via UGT71A59-mediated glucosylation in tea plants. Plant J. 109: 1489–1506.
2089. Kashiwa, T., Motoyama, T., Yoshida, K., Yun, C.-S., and Osada, H. (2022). Tenuazonic acid production is dispensable for virulence, but its biosynthetic gene expression pattern is associated with the infection of Pyricularia oryzae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 86: 135–139.

後期授業開始 & 今週の輪読

今週の木曜日から後期の授業が始まりました.以前は 10 月から後期開始だったのですが,最近は授業回数の確保のために 9 月の最終週から授業が始まるようになっています.


2081. Hu, Y. et al. (2022). Salicylic acid carboxyl glucosyltransferase UGT87E7 regulates disease resistance in Camellia sinensis. Plant Physiol. 188: 1507–1520.
2082. Schott, J., Fuchs, B., Böttcher, C., and Hilker, M. (2021). Responses to larval herbivory in the phenylpropanoid pathway of Ulmus minor are boosted by prior insect egg deposition. Planta 255: 16.
2083. Maver, M. et al. (2021). Applications of the indole-alkaloid gramine modulate the assembly of individual members of the barley rhizosphere microbiota. PeerJ 9: e12498.
2084. Ishihama, N. et al. (2021). Oxicam-type non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit NPR1-mediated salicylic acid pathway. Nat. Commun. 12: 7303.
2085. Nomoto, M. et al. (2021). Suppression of MYC transcription activators by the immune cofactor NPR1 fine-tunes plant immune responses. Cell Rep. 37: 110125.


2079. Wojtaczka, P., Ciarkowska, A., Starzynska, E., and Ostrowski, M. (2022). The GH3 amidosynthetases family and their role in metabolic crosstalk modulation of plant signaling compounds. Phytochemistry 194: 113039.
2080. Park, J.-D. et al. (2022). Structural elucidation of cryptic algaecides in marine algal-bacterial symbioses by NMR spectroscopy and MicroED. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61: e202114022.


2075. Kim, C.-Y. et al. (2022). A rice gene encoding glycosyl hydrolase plays contrasting roles in immunity depending on the type of pathogens. Mol. Plant Pathol. 23: 400–416.
2076. Salman, E.K., Ghoniem, K.E., Badr, E.S., Aboulila, A.A., and Emeran, A.A. (2022). Identification of chlorpromazine hydrochloride role as a new systemic acquired resistance inducer against Magnaporthe oryzae in rice. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 117: 101770.
2077. Knoch, E. et al. (2022). Transcriptional response of a target plant to benzoxazinoid and diterpene allelochemicals highlights commonalities in detoxification. BMC Plant Biol. 22: 402.
2078. Uawisetwathana, U. et al. (2022). Metabolite profiles of brown planthopper-susceptible and resistant rice (Oryza sativa) varieties associated with infestation and mechanical stimuli. Phytochemistry 194: 113044.


2070. Jakšová, J. et al. (2021). Anaesthetic diethyl ether impairs long-distance electrical and jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 169: 311–321.
2071. Zhou, C. et al. (2021). Nanoselenium enhanced wheat resistance to aphids by regulating biosynthesis of DIMBOA and volatile components. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69: 14103–14114.
2072. Wu, T. et al. (2022). Tal2b targets and activates the expression of OsF3H03g to hijack OsUGT74H4 and synergistically interfere with rice immunity. New Phytol. 233: 1864–1880.
Hayashi, K.-i. et al. (2021). The main oxidative inactivation pathway of the plant hormone auxin. Nat. Commun. 12: 6752.
2073. Taniguchi, Y., Kikuchi, T., Sato, S., and Fujita, M. (2022). Comprehensive structural analysis of the bitter components in beer by the HPLC-assisted crystalline sponge method. Chem. – Eur. J. 28: e202103339.


2066. Li, X. et al. (2022). (+)-Catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin gallate are important inducible defensive compounds against Ectropis grisescens in tea plants. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 496–511.
2067. Xu, E. et al. (2021). Catabolism of strigolactones by a carboxylesterase. Nat. Plants 7: 1495–1504.
2068. Wang, Z., Wu, X., Li, N., Wang, W., and Liu, Y. (2022). A high-throughput screening method for endophytic bacteria with antagonistic activity against Magnaporthe oryzae in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds. Plant Growth Regul. 96: 237–241.
2069. Liu, H. et al. (2021). Allyl isothiocyanate in the volatiles of Brassica juncea inhibits the growth of root rot pathogens of Panax notoginseng by inducing the accumulation of ROS. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69: 13713–13723.


2063. Liu, Y. et al. (2021). A designer rice NLR immune receptor confers resistance to the rice blast fungus carrying noncorresponding avirulence effectors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2110751118.
2064. Zhuang, Y. et al. (2022). Role of jasmonate signaling in rice resistance to the leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis. Plant Mol. Biol. 109: 627–637.
2065. Hundacker, J. et al. (2022). Pine defense against eggs of an herbivorous sawfly is elicited by an annexin-like protein present in egg-associated secretion. Plant Cell Environ. 45: 1033–1048.

夏休み & 今週の輪読

茨城大学では 8/119/28 がレギュラーの授業の開講がない夏休みになります.私も 8/9 に期末試験の追試験を実施して前期の担当授業は全て終了しました.授業以外の業務についても計画年休の取得で 8/118/16 は全学的に夏休みになります.


2061. Yu, M. et al. (2021). The OsSPK1–OsRac1–RAI1 defense signaling pathway is shared by two distantly related NLR proteins in rice blast resistance. Plant Physiol. 187: 2852–2864.
2062. Salman, E.K., Ghoniem, K.E., Badr, E.S., and Emeran, A.A. (2022). The potential of dimetindene maleate inducing resistance to blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae through activating the salicylic acid signaling pathway in rice plants. Pest Manage. Sci. 78: 633–642.

期末試験 & 今週の輪読

茨城大学では 8/2(火)〜8/8(月)が期末試験期間になっています.ちょうど新型コロナウイルス感染症の第 7 波の真っ最中なので,感染者や濃厚接触者になり試験が受けられなくなってしまう学生も多発しているのではないかと思われます.ニュースによると東大教養学部ではコロナ感染者に対する救済策がなく大騒ぎになっているようですが,茨大では基本的に追試験対象者になるので,コロナに罹ったから留年というような事態は起こらないはずです.

長谷川が担当している二年生向けの科目「一般化学 II」では今年度から通常の期末試験期間の一週間前に期末試験を実施し,期末試験の時間帯に期末試験の振り返りの授業を行うやり方にしました.大学では期末試験を受けたら後は野となれ山となれという感じの授業がほとんどですが,本来はできなかった問題を復習することが重要だと思います.

2059. Hoang Anh, L. et al. (2022). Rice momilactones and phenolics: expression of relevant biosynthetic genes in response to UV and chilling stresses. Agronomy 12: 1731.
2060. Rencoret, J. et al. (2022). Flavonoids naringenin chalcone, naringenin, dihydrotricin, and tricin are lignin monomers in papyrus. Plant Physiol. 188: 208–219.


7/23(土)には茨城大学オープンキャンパスが開催されました.阿見キャンパス会場にも多くの高校生や保護者の皆さんが来訪されました.過去 2 年間は新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で,来場型のオープンキャンパスを開催することができませんでしたが,今年度は感染拡大の中ではありましたが,なんとか開催することができました.長谷川は農学部広報委員長という立場でしたので,学部全体に関わる業務を担当していましたが,研究室公開は戸嶋先生と研究室の学生さんに担当してもらって,30 名程度の訪問があったようです.

先週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Zhou, Y., Park, S.-H., Soh, M.Y., and Chua, N.-H. (2021). Ubiquitin-specific proteases UBP12 and UBP13 promote shade avoidance response by enhancing PIF7 stability. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2103633118.

2052. Ding, Y. et al. (2021). Adaptive defence and sensing responses of host plant roots to fungal pathogen attack revealed by transcriptome and metabolome analyses. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 3756–3774.
2053. Tzipilevich, E., Russ, D., Dangl, J.L., and Benfey, P.N. (2021). Plant immune system activation is necessary for efficient root colonization by auxin-secreting beneficial bacteria. Cell Host Microbe 29: 1507–1520.e4.
2054. Nißler, R. et al. (2022). Detection and imaging of the plant pathogen response by near-infrared fluorescent polyphenol sensors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61: e202108373.

研究室セミナー & 先週の輪読

先週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室 4 年生の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Förster, C. et al. (2022). Biosynthesis and antifungal activity of fungus-induced O-methylated flavonoids in maize. Plant Physiol. 188: 167–190.


2048. Ge, T. et al. (2021). 4-Ethylphenol, a volatile organic compound produced by disease-resistant soybean, is a potential botanical agrochemical against oomycetes. Front. Plant Sci. 12: 717258.
2049. Tian, P. et al. (2021). Transcriptomics analysis of genes induced by melatonin related to glucosinolates synthesis in broccoli hairy roots. Plant Signaling Behav. 16: 1952742.
2050. Poretsky, E. et al. (2021). Comparative analyses of responses to exogenous and endogenous antiherbivore elicitors enable a forward genetics approach to identify maize gene candidates mediating sensitivity to herbivore-associated molecular patterns. Plant J. 108: 1295–1316.
2051. Wu, D. et al. Lateral transfers lead to the birth of momilactone biosynthetic gene clusters in grass. Plant J. in press.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Schellenberger, R. et al. (2021). Bacterial rhamnolipids and their 3-hydroxyalkanoate precursors activate Arabidopsis innate immunity through two independent mechanisms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2101366118.


2044. Jing, T. et al. (2021). Herbivore-induced volatiles influence moth preference by increasing the β-ocimene emission of neighbouring tea plants. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 3667–3680.
2045. Pruitt, R.N. et al. (2021). The EDS1–PAD4–ADR1 node mediates Arabidopsis pattern-triggered immunity. Nature 598: 495–499.
2046. Desmedt, W. et al. (2022). Rice diterpenoid phytoalexins are involved in defence against parasitic nematodes and shape rhizosphere nematode communities. New Phytol. 235: 1231–1245.
2047. Tian, H. et al. (2021). Activation of TIR signalling boosts pattern-triggered immunity. Nature 598: 500–503.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Wolinska, K.W. et al. (2021). Tryptophan metabolism and bacterial commensals prevent fungal dysbiosis in Arabidopsis roots. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2111521118.

2041. Wang, R. et al. (2022). Algal p-coumaric acid induces oxidative stress and siderophore biosynthesis in the bacterial symbiont Phaeobacter inhibens. Cell Cheml. Biol. 29: 670–679.e5.
2042. Liu, X. et al. (2021). Rice ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme OsUBC26 is essential for immunity to the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Mol. Plant Pathol. 22: 1613–1623.
2043. Ma, T. et al. (2021). Plant defense compound triggers mycotoxin synthesis by regulating H2B ub1 and H3K4 me2/3 deposition. New Phytol. 232: 2106–2123.

研究室セミナー & 先週の輪読

先週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室 4 年生の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Gysel, K. et al. (2021). Kinetic proofreading of lipochitooligosaccharides determines signal activation of symbiotic plant receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2111031118.


2038. Kim, L.J. et al. (2021). Prospecting for natural products by genome mining and microcrystal electron diffraction. Nat. Chem. Biol. 17: 872–877.
2039. Tang, Y. et al. (2021). Tandem of countercurrent separation and qHNMR enables gravimetric analyses: absolute quantitation of the Rhodiola rosea metabolome. Anal. Chem. 93: 11701–11709.
2040. Sakata, N., Ishiga, T., Masuo, S., Hashimoto, Y., and Ishiga, Y. (2021). Coronatine contributes to Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis virulence by overcoming both stomatal and apoplastic defenses in dicot and monocot plants. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 34: 746–757.


2035. Fang, H. et al. Function of hydroxycinnamoyl transferases for the biosynthesis of phenolamides in rice resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae. J. Genet. Genomics in press.
2036. Kleks, G., Holland, D.C., Porter, J., and Carroll, A.R. (2021). Natural products dereplication by diffusion ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY). Chemical Science 12: 10930–10943.
2037. Wang, Y. et al. (2021). A novel β-1,3-glucanase Gns6 from rice possesses antifungal activity against Magnaporthe oryzae. J. Plant Physiol. 265: 153493.


茨城大学農学部は阿見キャンパスにありますが,一年次生は本部のある水戸キャンパスで勉強しています.二年次生以降で主な学生生活を送ることになる阿見キャンパスを訪問する阿見キャンパスオリエンテーションが毎年一年次生向けの授業科目「大学入門ゼミ」の一環として行われています.今年度は 6/12(日)に開催されました.研究室見学は阿見オリエンテーションのメインイベントになっていますので,生物制御化学研究室にも見学に来ていました.

先週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室修士 2 年生の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Dixit, S. et al. β-Cyanoalanine synthase protects mites against Arabidopsis defenses. Plant Physiol. in press.

2032. Li, R., Zhang, J., Li, Z., Peters, R.J., and Yang, B. (2022). Dissecting the labdane-related diterpenoid biosynthetic gene clusters in rice reveals directional cross-cluster phytotoxicity. New Phytol. 233: 878–889.
2033. Shinya, T. et al. Chitooligosaccharide elicitor and oxylipins synergistically elevate phytoalexin production in rice. Plant Mol. Biol. in press.
2034. Yan, N. et al. (2022). Chromosome-level genome assembly of Zizania latifolia provides insights into its seed shattering and phytocassane biosynthesis. Commun. Biol. 5: 36.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週から研究室セミナーでの文献紹介が始まりました.今週は生物制御化学研究室修士 2 年生の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Lu, X.-L., Qiu, Y., Yang, B., He, H., and Gao, S. (2021). Asymmetric total synthesis of (+)-xestoquinone and (+)-adociaquinones A and B. Chem. Sci. 12: 4747–4752.

2029. Fang, H. et al. (2021). A monocot-specific hydroxycinnamoylputrescine gene cluster contributes to immunity and cell death in rice. Sci. Bull. 66: 2381–2393.
2030. Ji, R. et al. (2021). Vitellogenin from planthopper oral secretion acts as a novel effector to impair plant defenses. New Phytol. 232: 802–817.
2031. Komkleow, S., Niyomploy, P., and Sangvanich, P. (2021). Maldi-mass spectrometry imaging for phytoalexins detection in RD6 Thai rice. Appl. Biochem. Microbiol. 57: 533–541.


2026. Yang, Q. et al. (2021). Melatonin increases leaf disease resistance and saponin biosynthesis in Panax notogiseng. J. Plant Physiol. 263: 153466.
2027. Mujiono, K. et al. (2021). Herbivore-induced and constitutive volatiles are controlled by different oxylipin-dependent mechanisms in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 2687–2699.
2028. Inagaki, H. et al. (2021). Deciphering OPDA signaling components in the momilactone-producing moss Calohypnum plumiforme. Front. Plant Sci. 12: 987.


2023. Kiyama, H., Matsunaga, A., Suzuki, G., and Gomi, K. (2021). Monoterpene geraniol produced by rice terpene synthase 21 suppresses the expression of cell-division related genes in the rice bacterial pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 115: 101673.
2024. Desmedt, W. et al. (2021). The phenylpropanoid pathway inhibitor piperonylic acid induces broad-spectrum pest and disease resistance in plants. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 3122–3139.
2025. Jiang, H., Liu, Y., and Guo, J. (2021). NMR-based screening for natural product subfraction to precisely identify ligand of target protein. Phytochem. Anal. 32: 621–628.


2020. Rupp, T. et al. (2021). Flowers of deceptive Aristolochia microstoma are pollinated by phorid flies and emit volatiles known from invertebrate carrion. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 305.
2021. Sugiyama, R. et al. (2021). Retrograde sulfur flow from glucosinolates to cysteine in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2017890118.
2022. Sathe, A.P. et al. (2021). Role of silicon in elevating resistance against sheath blight and blast diseases in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiol. Biochem. 166: 128–139.

ゴールデンウィーク & 今週の輪読



2019. Rich, M.K. et al. (2021). Lipid exchanges drove the evolution of mutualism during plant terrestrialization. Science 372: 864–868.

川口北高校説明会 & 今週の輪読

長谷川は今年度は農学部広報委員長という役割なのですが,その仕事の一つとして 4/27 に埼玉県立川口北高等学校での進学説明会に出席してきました.新型コロナウイルスのパンデミック発生でめっきり出張の機会が減っていて,県外へ出張するのはおそらく 2020 3 月以来二年ぶりだったと思います.また,この日は 1 講時にオンラインの授業があり,埼玉から戻ってきてもまた社会人学生向けの授業があるというハードスケジュールでした.


2018. Ullah, A., Klutsch, J.G., and Erbilgin, N. (2021). Production of complementary defense metabolites reflects a co-evolutionary arms race between a host plant and a mutualistic bark beetle-fungal complex. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 3064–3077.

対面授業開始 & 今週の輪読


2015. Liu, B. et al. (2021). Functional specificity, diversity and redundancy of Arabidopsis JAZ family repressors in jasmonate and COI1-regulated growth, development and defense. New Phytol. 231: 1525–1545.
2016. Courdavault, V., O’Connor, S.E., Jensen, M.K., and Papon, N. (2021). Metabolic engineering for plant natural products biosynthesis: new procedures, concrete achievements and remaining limits. Nat. Prod. Rep. 38: 2145–2153.
2017. Enomoto, H., and Miyamoto, K. (2021). Unique localization of jasmonic acid-related compounds in developing Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean) seeds revealed through desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry imaging. Phytochemistry 188: 112812.

授業開始 & 今週の輪読



2012. Villard, C. et al. (2021). A new P450 involved in the furanocoumarin pathway underlies a recent case of convergent evolution. New Phytol. 231: 1923–1939.
2013. Xu, Y., Cheng, H.-F., Kong, C.-H., and Meiners, S.J. (2021). Intraspecific kin recognition contributes to interspecific allelopathy: A case study of allelopathic rice interference with paddy weeds. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 3709–3721.
2014. Yang, D. et al. (2021). Transcriptome analysis of rice response to blast fungus identified core genes involved in immunity. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 3103–3121.


今週からは新体制での研究室活動も本格的に始まり,輪読もスタートしました.今年度は学部学生 1 名とのマンツーマンの輪読です.今週の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.
2008. Herud-Sikimić, O. et al. (2021). A biosensor for the direct visualization of auxin. Nature 592: 768–772.
2009. Li, Y. et al. (2021). Subtelomeric assembly of a multi-gene pathway for antimicrobial defense compounds in cereals. Nat. Commun. 12: 2563.
2010. Zhang, H. et al. (2021). PAL-mediated SA biosynthesis pathway contributes to nematode resistance in wheat. Plant J. 107: 698–712.
2011. Kadir, A. et al. (2021). Structurally diverse diterpenoids from the roots of Salvia deserta based on nine different skeletal types. J. Nat. Prod. 84: 1442–1452.


2005. Jha, C.K. et al. (2021). Microbial enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase: An elixir for plant under stress. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 115: 101664.
2006. Fu, X. et al. (2021). AaWRKY9 contributes to light- and jasmonate-mediated to regulate the biosynthesis of artemisinin in Artemisia annua. New Phytol. 231: 1858–1874.
2007. Tian, D. et al. (2021). The interaction between rice genotype and Magnaporthe oryzae regulates the assembly of rice root-associated microbiota. Rice 14: 40.

後期日程入試 & 今週の輪読


2000. Kong, Y. et al. (2021). OsPHR2 modulates phosphate starvation-induced OsMYC2 signaling and resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 3432–3444.
2001. Fang, X. et al. (2021). HSP17.4 mediates salicylic acid and jasmonic acid pathways in the regulation of resistance to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in strawberry. Mol. Plant Pathol. 22: 817–828.
2002. El Houari, I. et al. (2021). Seedling developmental defects upon blocking CINNAMATE-4-HYDROXYLASE are caused by perturbations in auxin transport. New Phytol. 230: 2275–2291.
2003. Sikder, M.M. et al. (2021). Benzoxazinoids selectively affect maize root-associated nematode taxa. J. Exp. Bot. 72: 3835–3845.
2004. Perez, V.C. et al. (2021). Aldoximes are precursors of auxins in Arabidopsis and maize. New Phytol. 231: 1449–1461.


1995. Nambiar, D.M. et al. (2021). GTR1 and GTR2 transporters differentially regulate tissue-specific glucosinolate contents and defence responses in the oilseed crop Brassica juncea. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 2729–2743.
1996. Li, N. et al. (2021). Two VQ proteins are substrates of the OsMPKK6-OsMPK4 cascade in rice defense against bacterial blight. Rice 14: 39.
1997. Yamaguchi, T. et al. (2021). A promiscuous fatty acid ω-hydroxylase CYP94A90 is likely involved in biosynthesis of a floral nitro compound in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica). New Phytol. 231: 1157–1170.
1998. Berg, J.A. et al. (2021). The amino acid permease (AAP) genes CsAAP2A and SlAAP5A/B are required for oomycete susceptibility in cucumber and tomato. Mol. Plant Pathol. 22: 658–672.
1999. Yamasaki, Y. et al. (2021). Phytohormone-dependent plant defense signaling orchestrated by oral bacteria of the herbivore Spodoptera litura. New Phytol. 231: 2029–2038.

前期日程入試 & 先週の輪読


1992. Zhang, Z. et al. (2021). Chemical identity and functional characterization of semiochemicals that promote the interactions between rice plant and rice major pest Nilaparvata lugens. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69: 4635–4644.
1993. Yildiz, I. et al. (2021). The mobile SAR signal N-hydroxypipecolic acid induces NPR1-dependent transcriptional reprogramming and immune priming. Plant Physiol. 186: 1679–1705.
1994. Cao, Y. et al. (2021). OsPG1 encodes a polygalacturonase that determines cell wall architecture and affects resistance to bacterial blight pathogen in rice. Rice 14: 36.

修士論文・卒業論文発表会 & 今週の輪読

2/15, 16 には生物制御化学研究室が所属している実践農食科学コースの修士論文発表会がオンラインで開催されました.本研究室からは鳥井潤一郎君が「ホウレンソウのフラボノイド型ファイトアレキシンの同定」というタイトルで発表しました.今回発表した学生たちは修士課程の二年間がほぼ丸々新型コロナウイルス感染症発生時期と重なって,いつもとは違う苦労が多い大学院生活になってしまいましたが,皆さん立派に発表することができていました.

続いて 2/17 からは食生命科学科の卒業論文発表会が同様にオンラインで始まりました.こちらは来週月曜日までかかり,生物制御化学研究室の学生たちの発表は来週月曜日の予定です.

1987. Yang, C. et al. (2021). Poaceae-specific cell wall-derived oligosaccharides activate plant immunity via OsCERK1 during Magnaporthe oryzae infection in rice. Nat. Commun. 12: 2178.
1988. Michell, C.T., and Nyman, T. Microbiomes of willow-galling sawflies: effects of host plant, gall type, and phylogeny on community structure and function. Genome in press.
1989. Xia, J. et al. (2021). Whitefly hijacks a plant detoxification gene that neutralizes plant toxins. Cell 184: 1693–1705.e17.
1990. Tsuzuki, C. et al. An amino acid ester of menthol elicits defense responses in plants. Plant Mol. Biol. in press.
1991. Chang, X. et al. Virus-induced plant volatiles mediate the olfactory behaviour of its insect vectors. Plant Cell Environ. in press.

修士論文・卒業論文追い込み & 今週の輪読

先週は修士論文の提出締め切りがありましたが,今週の 2/7(月)は卒業論文の提出締め切りでした.2/9, 10 には修士論文発表と卒業論文発表の練習もオンラインで実施しました.本番までにはまだまだ修正が必要ですが,もうひと頑張りです.

1983. Cosme, M., Fern√°ndez, I., Declerck, S., van der Heijden, M.G.A., and Pieterse, C.M.J. (2021). A coumarin exudation pathway mitigates arbuscular mycorrhizal incompatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol. Biol. 106: 319–334.
1984. Jia, K.-P. et al. (2021). Iso-anchorene is an endogenous metabolite that inhibits primary root growth in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 107: 54–66.
1985. Denish, P.R. et al. (2021). Discovery of a natural cyan blue: A unique food-sourced anthocyanin could replace synthetic brilliant blue. Sci. Adv. 7: eabe7871.
1986. Li, C. et al. (2021). Heat shock protein HSP24 is involved in the BABA-induced resistance to fungal pathogen in postharvest grapes underlying an NPR1-dependent manner. Front. Plant Sci. 12: 292.

修士論文提出 & 今週の輪読

2/1(火)は修士論文の提出締め切りでした.来週から卒業論文の提出,修士論文・卒業論文発表会と研究室の学生にとっては 1 年あるいは 2 年間の集大成となる追い込みの時期になっています.


1979. Kempthorne, C.J. et al. (2021). Metabolite profiling reveals a role for intercellular dihydrocamalexic acid in the response of mature Arabidopsis thaliana to Pseudomonas syringae. Phytochemistry 187: 112747.
1980. Zandalinas, S.I., and Mittler, R. (2021). Vascular and non-vascular transmission of systemic reactive oxygen signals during wounding and heat stress. Plant Physiol. 186: 1721–1733.
1981. Yuchun, R.A.O. et al. (2021). SPL36 encodes a receptor-like protein kinase that regulates programmed cell death and defense responses in rice. Rice 14: 34.
1982. Yu, P. et al. (2021). Plant flavones enrich rhizosphere Oxalobacteraceae to improve maize performance under nitrogen deprivation. Nat. Plants 7: 481–499.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室修士 1 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Mostafa, A.A., El-Rahman, S.N.A., Shehata, S., Abdallah, N.A., and Omar, H.S. (2021). Assessing the effects of a novel biostimulant to enhance leafminer resistance and plant growth on common bean. Sci. Rep. 11: 20020.

1974. Negrel, J., Klinguer, A., and Adrian, M. (2021). In vitro inhibition of shikimate hydroxycinnamoyltransferase by acibenzolar acid, the first metabolite of the plant defence inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 163: 119–127.
1975. Ponce, G.E., Fuse, M., Chan, A., and Connor, E.F. (2021). The localization of phytohormones within the gall-inducing insect Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Arthropod-Plant Interact. 15: 375–385.
1976. Xu, Y. et al. (2021). Plant volatile organic compound (E)-2-hexenal facilitates Botrytis cinerea infection of fruits by inducing sulfate assimilation. New Phytol. 231: 432–446.
1977. Tian, H. et al. (2021). Three LysM effectors of Zymoseptoria tritici collectively disarm chitin-triggered plant immunity. Mol. Plant Pathol. 22: 683–693.
1978. Schulz, R., Bub, S., Petschick, L.L., Stehle, S., and Wolfram, J. (2021). Applied pesticide toxicity shifts toward plants and invertebrates, even in GM crops. Science 372: 81–84.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室修士 1 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Zheng, K., and Hong, R. (2020). Postulated biogenesis-guided total synthesis and structural revision of 2,18-seco-lankacidinol A. Org. Lett. 22: 3785–3788.


1969. Xu, B. et al. (2021). GABA signalling modulates stomatal opening to enhance plant water use efficiency and drought resilience. Nat. Commun. 12: 1952.
1970. Sittmann, J. et al. (2021). Bacterial diketopiperazines stimulate diatom growth and lipid accumulation. Plant Physiol. 186: 1159–1170.
1971. Chavana, J. et al. (2021). Local adaptation to continuous mowing makes the noxious weed Solanum elaeagnifolium a superweed candidate by improving fitness and defense traits. Sci. Rep. 11: 6634.
1972. Łużny, M., Tronina, T., Kozłowska, E., Kostrzewa-Susłow, E., and Janeczko, T. (2021). Biotransformation of 5,7-methoxyflavones by selected entomopathogenic filamentous fungi. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69: 3879–3886.
1973. Kim, S.S., and Sattely, E.S. (2021). Dirigent proteins guide asymmetric heterocoupling for the synthesis of complex natural product analogues. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143: 5011–5021.

大学入学共通テスト & 先週の輪読

1/15, 16 には茨城大学阿見キャンパスでも大学入学共通テストが実施されました.


1965. Zhou, X. et al. (2021). Membrane receptor-mediated mechano-transduction maintains cell integrity during pollen tube growth within the pistil. Dev. Cell 56: 1030–1042.e6.
1966. Jarzyniak, K. et al. (2021). Early stages of legume-rhizobia symbiosis are controlled by ABCG-mediated transport of active cytokinins. Nat. Plants 7: 428–436.
1967. Chen, R. et al. (2021). Discovery and modulation of diterpenoid metabolism improves glandular trichome formation, artemisinin production and stress resilience in Artemisia annua. New Phytol. 230: 2387–2403.
1968. Shen, S. et al. (2021). An Oryza-specific hydroxycinnamoyl tyramine gene cluster contributes to enhanced disease resistance. Sci. Bull. 66: 2369–2380.

雪 & 今週の輪読

茨城大学は 1/4 から仕事始めで,授業は 1/6 開始でした.しかし,1/6 は昼過ぎから雪が降り始めて翌日の路面凍結が予想されれたため,農学部では 1/7 の対面授業は休講になりました.私の担当している植物代謝機能学は 1/7 1 講時に実施予定でしたが,休講になってしまいました.確かに 1/7 の朝は徒歩でも所々スリップしそうになりそうな所がある状態だったので,休講措置は妥当だったと思います.


1/6 夜の農学部玄関前

1961. He, Z.-d. et al. (2021). The rice germin-like protein OsGLP1 participates in acclimation to UV-B radiation. Plant Physiol. 186: 1254–1268.
1962. Zabel, S. et al. (2021). A single cytochrome P450 oxidase from Solanum habrochaites sequentially oxidizes 7-epi-zingiberene to derivatives toxic to whiteflies and various microorganisms. Plant J. 105: 1309–1325.
1963. Agerbirk, N. et al. (2021). Comparison of glucosinolate diversity in the crucifer tribe Cardamineae and the remaining order Brassicales highlights repetitive evolutionary loss and gain of biosynthetic steps. Phytochemistry 185: 112668.
1964. van Doan, C. et al. (2021). Herbivore-induced plant volatiles mediate defense regulation in maize leaves but not in maize roots. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 2672–2686.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室学部 4 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Asseck, L.Y. et al. (2021). Endoplasmic reticulum membrane receptors of the GET pathway are conserved throughout eukaryotes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2017636118.


1956. Liu, Y. et al. (2021). Analysis of secondary metabolites induced by yellowing process for understanding rice yellowing mechanism. Food Chem. 342: 128204.
1957. Yao, J. et al. (2021). Desmethyl butenolides are optimal ligands for karrikin receptor proteins. New Phytol. 230: 1003–1016.
1958. Fu, R. et al. (2021). Versatility in acyltransferase activity completes chicoric acid biosynthesis in purple coneflower. Nat. Commun. 12: 1563.
1959. Yuan, M. et al. (2021). Pattern-recognition receptors are required for NLR-mediated plant immunity. Nature 592: 105–109.
1960. Ngou, B.P.M., Ahn, H.-K., Ding, P., and Jones, J.D.G. (2021). Mutual potentiation of plant immunity by cell-surface and intracellular receptors. Nature 592: 110–115.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室学部 4 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Takahashi, S. et al. (2021). Unified enantioselective total synthesis of 3,6-dioxygenated diketopiperazine natural products, diatretol and lepistamides A, B and C. Tetrahedron Lett. 67: 152895.


1952. Winkelmüller, T.M. et al. (2021). Gene expression evolution in pattern-triggered immunity within Arabidopsis thaliana and across Brassicaceae species. Plant Cell 33: 1863–1887.
1953. Chen, J.-F. et al. (2021). Fine-tuning roles of Osa-miR159a in rice immunity against Magnaporthe oryzae and development. Rice 14: 26.
1954. Divya, D., Sahu, N., Reddy, P.S., Nair, S., and Bentur, J.S. (2021). RNA-sequencing reveals differentially expressed rice genes functionally associated with defense against BPH and WBPH in RILs derived from a cross between RP2068 and TN1. Rice 14: 27.
1955. Kasei, A. et al. (2021). Comparative analysis of the extradiol ring-cleavage dioxygenase LigB from Arabidopsis and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine dioxygenase from betalain-producing plants. Plant Cell Physiol. 62: 732–740.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室学部 4 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Mao, H., Wang, P.-M., and Xu, J. (2021). Total synthesis of pleosporol A and its stereoisomers. Tetrahedron 81: 131913.

1948. Nakayasu, M. et al. (2021). Tomato roots secrete tomatine to modulate the bacterial assemblage of the rhizosphere. Plant Physiol. 186: 270–284.
1949. Wang, C., Crocoll, C., Agerbirk, N., and Halkier, B.A. (2021). Engineering and optimization of the 2-phenylethylglucosinolate production in Nicotiana benthamiana by combining biosynthetic genes from Barbarea vulgaris and Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 106: 978–992.
1950. Nabity, P.D., Barron-Gafford, G.A., and Whiteman, N.K. (2021). Intraspecific competition for host resources in a parasite. Current Biology 31: 1344–1350.e3.
1951. Liu, M., Li, Y.-J., Zhu, Y.-X., Sun, Y., and Wang, G.-F. (2021). Maize nicotinate N-methyltransferase interacts with the NLR protein Rp1-D21 and modulates the hypersensitive response. Mol. Plant Pathol. 22: 564–579.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室学部 4 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Mendoza, M., Rao, N., Tran, U., Castaneda, C., and Billingsley, K.L. (2019). The total synthesis of (–)-indolactam I. Tetrahedron 75: 4337–4342.


1944. Lopez-Moya, F. et al. (2021). Chitosan inhibits septin-mediated plant infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae in a protein kinase C and Nox1 NADPH oxidase-dependent manner. New Phytol. 230: 1578–1593.
1945. Gesteiro, N., Butrón, A., Estévez, S., and Santiago, R. (2021). Unraveling the role of maize (Zea mays L.) cell-wall phenylpropanoids in stem-borer resistance. Phytochemistry 185: 112683.
1946. Wang, H. et al. (2021). Suppression of rice miR168 improves yield, flowering time and immunity. Nat. Plants 7: 129–136.
1947. Liu, H. et al. (2021). Evidence for the plant recruitment of beneficial microbes to suppress soil-borne pathogens. New Phytol. 229: 2873–2885.


1940. Frank, L. et al. (2021). Isoprene and β-caryophyllene confer plant resistance via different plant internal signalling pathways. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 1151–1164.
1941. Zhou, F., Last, R.L., and Pichersky, E. (2021). Degradation of salicylic acid to catechol in Solanaceae by SA 1-hydroxylase. Plant Physiol. 185: 876–891.
1942. Xu, J. et al. (2021). Molecular dissection of rice phytohormone signaling involved in resistance to a piercing-sucking herbivore. New Phytol. 230: 1639–1652.
1943. Ohara, T. et al. (2021). Structural alternation of rice pectin affects cell wall mechanical strength and pathogenicity for the rice blast fungus under weak light conditions. Plant Cell Physiol. 62: 641–649.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室学部 4 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Ma, Q.-J. et al. (2019). An apple sucrose transporter MdSUT2.2 is a phosphorylation target for protein kinase MdCIPK22 in response to drought. Plant Biotechnol. J. 17: 625–637.

1937. Kumar, G. et al. (2021). Exogenous serotonin and melatonin regulate dietary isoflavones profoundly through ethylene biosynthesis in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69: 1888–1899.
1938. Burdziej, A. et al. (2021). Three types of elicitors induce grapevine resistance against downy mildew via common and specific immune responses. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69: 1781–1795.
1939. Ube, N. et al. (2021). Identification of methoxylchalcones produced in response to CuCl2 treatment and pathogen infection in barley. Phytochemistry 184: 112650.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室学部 4 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Hao, D. et al. (2021). The RING E3 ligase SDIR1 destabilizes EBF1/EBF2 and modulates the ethylene response to ambient temperature fluctuations in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2024592118.


1932. Uenoyama, R. et al. (2021). The characteristic response of domestic cats to plant iridoids allows them to gain chemical defense against mosquitoes. Sci. Adv. 7: eabd9135.
1933. Fujimoto, T., Abe, H., Mizukubo, T., and Seo, S. (2021). Phytol, a constituent of chlorophyll, induces root-knot nematode resistance in arabidopsis via the ethylene signaling pathway. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 34: 279–285.
1934. Rasool, S. et al. (2021). Seed inoculations with entomopathogenic fungi affect aphid populations coinciding with modulation of plant secondary metabolite profiles across plant families. New Phytol. 229: 1715–1727.
1935. Bakhtiari, M., Glauser, G., Defossez, E., and Rasmann, S. (2021). Ecological convergence of secondary phytochemicals along elevational gradients. New Phytol. 229: 1755–1767.
1936. Matsumoto, H. et al. (2021). Bacterial seed endophyte shapes disease resistance in rice. Nat. Plants 7: 60–72.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室修士 2 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Zhang, C. et al. (2021). Involvement of chemosensory protein BodoCSP1 in perception of host plant volatiles in Bradysia odoriphaga. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69: 10797–10806.


1928. Pandey, B.K. et al. (2021). Plant roots sense soil compaction through restricted ethylene diffusion. Science 371: 276–280.
1929. Yokoyama, R., de Oliveira, M.V.V., Kleven, B., and Maeda, H.A. (2021). The entry reaction of the plant shikimate pathway is subjected to highly complex metabolite-mediated regulation. Plant Cell 33: 671–696.
1930. Richter, A. et al. (2021). Indole-3-glycerolphosphate synthase, a branchpoint for the biosynthesis of tryptophan, indole, and benzoxazinoids in maize. Plant J. 106: 245–257.
1931. Guo, Y., Lv, J., Zhao, Q., Dong, Y., and Dong, K. (2020). Cinnamic acid increased the incidence of Fusarium wilt by increasing the pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum and reducing the physiological and biochemical resistance of faba bean, which was alleviated by intercropping with wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 11: 1928.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室修士 2 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Abeysinghe, G. et al. (2020). Fungal mycelia and bacterial thiamine establish a mutualistic growth mechanism. Life Sci. Alliance 3: e202000878.


1923. Thitz, P. et al. (2021). Genetic modification of the flavonoid pathway alters growth and reveals flexible responses to enhanced UVB – Role of foliar condensed tannins. Plant-Environ. Interact. 2: 1–15.
1924. Liu, T., Shi, J., Li, M., Ye, X., and Qi, H. (2021). Trehalose triggers hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide to participate in melon seedlings oxidative stress tolerance under cold stress. Environ. Exp. Bot. 184: 104379.
1925. Liu, M. et al. (2021). Auxilin-like protein MoSwa2 promotes effector secretion and virulence as a clathrin uncoating factor in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. New Phytol. 230: 720–736.
1926. Dulchavsky, M., Clark, C.T., Bardwell, J.C.A., and Stull, F. (2021). A cytochrome c is the natural electron acceptor for nicotine oxidoreductase. Nat. Chem. Biol. 17: 344–350.
1927. Li, J. et al. (2021). Controlled hydroxylations of diterpenoids allow for plant chemical defense without autotoxicity. Science 371: 255–260.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週から研究室セミナーの文献紹介が始まりました.今週は生物制御化学研究室修士 2 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Kanda, Y. et al. (2020). Two-phase synthesis of Taxol. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142: 10526–10533.


1918. Löffler, L.E., Wirtz, C., and Fürstner, A. (2021). Collective total synthesis of casbane diterpenes: one strategy, multiple targets. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60: 5316–5322.
1919. Li, W. et al. (2021). Overexpression of the homoterpene synthase gene, OsCYP92C21, increases emissions of volatiles mediating tritrophic interactions in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 948–963.
1920. Liang, J. et al. (2021). Rice contains a biosynthetic gene cluster associated with production of the casbane-type diterpenoid phytoalexin ent-10-oxodepressin. New Phytol. 231: 85–93.
1921. Bai, Y. et al. (2021). Modulation of Arabidopsis root growth by specialized triterpenes. New Phytol. 230: 228–243.
1922. Liu, M.-T., Zhao, J., and Li, S.-P. (2021). Application of smartphone in detection of thin-layer chromatography: dase of Salvia miltiorrhiza. J. Chromatogr. A 1637: 461826.


1915. Austel, N., Böttcher, C., and Meiners, T. (2021). Chemical defence in Brassicaceae against pollen beetles revealed by metabolomics and flower bud manipulation approaches. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 519–534.
1916. Moreira, X. et al. (2021). Apparent inhibition of induced plant volatiles by a fungal pathogen prevents airborne communication between potato plants. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 1192–1201.
1917. Sung, Y.-C. et al. (2021). PR1-mediated defence via C-terminal peptide release is targeted by a fungal pathogen effector. New Phytol. 229: 3467–3480.


1910. de Lamo, F.J. et al. (2021). Pattern-triggered immunity restricts host colonization by endophytic fusaria, but does not affect endophyte-mediated resistance. Mol. Plant Pathol. 22: 204–215.
1911. Khattab, I.M. et al. (2021). Ancestral chemotypes of cultivated grapevine with resistance to Botryosphaeriaceae-related dieback allocate metabolism towards bioactive stilbenes. New Phytol. 229: 1133–1146.
1912. Figon, F., Baldwin, I.T., and Gaquerel, E. (2021). Ethylene is a local modulator of jasmonate-dependent phenolamide accumulation during Manduca sexta herbivory in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 964–981.
1913. Wang, B. et al. (2021). Arabidopsis SnRK1 negatively regulates phenylpropanoid metabolism via Kelch domain-containing F-box proteins. New Phytol. 229: 3345–3359.
1914. Gamir, J. et al. (2021). Roots drive oligogalacturonide-induced systemic immunity in tomato. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 275–289.


茨城大学では 9/29 から後学期の授業が開始しました.9/30 で緊急事態宣言は解除になりましたが,10/12 までは原則的に遠隔授業にすることが前もって決まっていましたので,現在のところほとんど全ての授業はオンラインで実施されていて,学生さん達が本格的にキャンパスに戻ってくるのは 10/13 以降になりそうです.

学生対象の新型コロナウイルスワクチンの職域接種は今週で 2 回目が完了しました.モデルナ製ワクチンは 2 回目の副反応がなかなか厳しいので,研究室の学生たちも接種翌日はダウンしていたようです.私(長谷川)は茨城県の大規模接種会場でモデルナ製ワクチンの接種を 7, 8 月に受けましたが,やはり 2 回目接種の翌日は 38.6 ℃ まで体温が上がってかなりきつかったです.まあ寝てれば熱は下がるので,コロナにかかることを思えば,どうということはないのですが.


1908. Yang, Z. et al. (2021). Genetic mapping identifies a rice naringenin O-glucosyltransferase that influences insect resistance. Plant J. 106: 1401–1413.
1909. Liu, Y. et al. (2021). Characterization of defensive cadinenes and a novel sesquiterpene synthase responsible for their biosynthesis from the invasive Eupatorium adenophorum. New Phytol. 229: 1740–1754.


1905. Jain, A., Chatterjee, A., and Das, S. (2020). Synergistic consortium of beneficial microorganisms in rice rhizosphere promotes host defense to blight-causing Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Planta 252: 106.
1906. Zhang, J. et al. (2021). A (conditional) role for labdane-related diterpenoid natural products in rice stomatal closure. New Phytol. 230: 698–709.
1907. Kitaoka, N. et al. (2021). Interdependent evolution of biosynthetic gene clusters for momilactone production in rice. Plant Cell 33: 290–305.


1900. Ng, L.C., Adila, Z.N., Shahrul Hafiz, E.M., and Aziz, A. (2021). Foliar spray of silicon enhances resistance against Pyricularia oryzae by triggering phytoalexin responds in aerobic rice. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 159: 673–683.
1901. Norvienyeku, J. et al. (2021). Bayogenin 3-O-cellobioside confers non-cultivar-specific defence against the rice blast fungus Pyricularia oryzae. Plant Biotechnol. J. 19: 589–601.
1902. Gelová, Z. et al. (2021). Developmental roles of Auxin Binding Protein 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Sci. 303: 110750.
1903. Liang, Y. et al. (2021). Nbnrp1 mediates Verticillium dahliae effector PevD1-triggered defense responses by regulating sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins biosynthesis pathway in Nicotiana benthamiana. Gene 768: 145280.
1904. Cui, Y. et al. (2021). Disruption of EARLY LESION LEAF 1, encoding a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, induces ROS accumulation and cell death in rice. Plant J. 105: 942–956.


1895. Magalhães, D.M. et al. (2020). Inefficient weapon–the role of plant secondary metabolites in cotton defence against the boll weevil. Planta 252: 94.
1896. Jo Heuschele, D., Smith, K.P., and Annor, G.A. (2020). Variation in lignin, cell wall-bound p-coumaric, and ferulic acid in the nodes and internodes of cereals and their impact on lodging. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68: 12569–12576.
1897. Laohavisit, A. et al. (2020). Quinone perception in plants via leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases. Nature 587: 92–97.
1898. Fang, X. et al. (2021). In-vivo tracing of endogenous salicylic acids as the biomarkers for evaluating the toxicity of nano-TiO2 to plants. Anal. Chim. Acta 1145: 79–86.
1899. Tian, D. et al. (2020). Loss function of SL (sekiguchi lesion) in the rice cultivar Minghui 86 leads to enhanced resistance to (hemi)biotrophic pathogens. BMC Plant Biol. 20: 507.


1891. Bömer, M. et al. (2021). Jasmonates induce Arabidopsis bioactivities selectively inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells through CDC6 and mTOR. New Phytol. 229: 2120–2134.
1892. Ding, Y. et al. (2020). Genetic elucidation of interconnected antibiotic pathways mediating maize innate immunity. Nat. Plants 6: 1375–1388.
1893. Sahu, K.P. et al. (2021). Rice blast lesions: an unexplored phyllosphere microhabitat for novel antagonistic bacterial species against Magnaporthe oryzae. Microb. Ecol. 81: 731–745.
1894. Oates, C.N., Denby, K.J., Myburg, A.A., Slippers, B., and Naidoo, S. (2021). Insect egg-induced physiological changes and transcriptional reprogramming leading to gall formation. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 535–547.


1886. Pazarlar, S., Cetinkaya, N., Bor, M., and Kara, R.S. (2020). N-Acyl homoserine lactone-mediated modulation of plant growth and defense against Pseudoperonospora cubensis in cucumber. J. Exp. Bot. 71: 6638–6654.
1887. Niehs, S.P. et al. (2020). Insect-associated bacteria assemble the antifungal butenolide gladiofungin by non-canonical polyketide chain termination. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59: 23122–23126.
1888. Bauters, L. et al. (2020). Chorismate mutase and isochorismatase, two potential effectors of the migratory nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae, increase host susceptibility by manipulating secondary metabolite content of rice. Mol. Plant Pathol. 21: 1634–1646.
1889. De Vega, D. et al. (2021). Chitosan primes plant defence mechanisms against Botrytis cinerea, including expression of Avr9/Cf-9 rapidly elicited genes. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 290–303.
1890. De La Peña, R., and Sattely, E.S. (2021). Rerouting plant terpene biosynthesis enables momilactone pathway elucidation. Nat. Chem. Biol. 17: 205–212.


1882. Li, D.-D. et al. (2020). Molecular basis for chemical evolution of flavones to flavonols and anthocyanins in land plants. Plant Physiol. 184: 1731–1743.
1883. Abeysinghe, G. et al. (2020). Fungal mycelia and bacterial thiamine establish a mutualistic growth mechanism. Life Sci. Alliance 3: e202000878.
1884. Cheng, F., Ali, M., Liu, C., Deng, R., and Cheng, Z. (2020). Garlic allelochemical diallyl disulfide alleviates autotoxicity in the root exudates caused by long-term continuous cropping of tomato. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68: 11684–11693.
1885. Aboshi, T. et al. (2021). Isopentylamine is a novel defence compound induced by insect feeding in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 247–256.

前学期終了 & 今週の輪読

茨城大学は 8/10 が期末試験の最終日で前期と第 2 クォーターが終了しました.長谷川が担当している一般化学 II 8/6 の期末試験を対面で実施して終了です.7 月後半から新型コロナウイルス感染症のいわゆる第 5 波が来て授業が通常通り続けられるか心配していましたが,何とか逃げ切りました.夏休み中も集中講義(今年度は私は担当していません)はありますが,おそらくほとんど遠隔授業になりそうです.後学期が始まる 9 月末ごろまでにはワクチン接種も進んで,感染状況が落ち着くことを期待しています.


1881. Ye, M. et al. (2021). Indole primes defence signalling and increases herbivore resistance in tea plants. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 1165–1177.


1879. Zhang, C. et al. (2021). ZmMPK6 and ethylene signalling negatively regulate the accumulation of anti-insect metabolites DIMBOA and DIMBOA-Glc in maize inbred line A188. New Phytol. 229: 2273–2287.
1880. Sugiura, Y. et al. (2020). Myristate can be used as a carbon and energy source for the asymbiotic growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 117: 25779–25788.

研究質セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは化学生態学研究室の 4 年生が下記の論文を紹介しました.夏休み前のセミナーは今週が最後です.
Steinbrenner, A.D. et al. (2020). A receptor-like protein mediates plant immune responses to herbivore-associated molecular patterns. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 117: 31510–31518.


1877. Dash, M. et al. (2021). A rice root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola-resistant mutant rice line shows early expression of plant-defence genes. Planta 253: 108.
1878. Malka, O. et al. (2020). Glucosylation prevents plant defense activation in phloem-feeding insects. Nat. Chem. Biol. 16: 1420–1426.


先週の金曜日から長谷川と化学生態学研究室の鈴木義人先生が担当している食生命科学科 3 年生向けの学生実験「機器分析実験」が始まりました.今日で日程の半分(全 8 回中 4 回)を終了しましたが,明日から連休に入るので,後半戦は来週月曜日からスタートです.ここまでは試料調整が中心で TA の大学院生の皆さんのご協力のおかげで概ね順調に進んでいますが,来週はいよいよ機器を使った分析が始まります.とにかく機器のトラブルがないことを祈っています.

4 年生 2 名が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Kumaraswamy, G., Ramesh, V., and Vijaykumar, S. (2021). Enantioselective total synthesis of sesquiterpenoid phellilane L and its diastereomer. Tetrahedron 87: 132110.
Lee, D. et al. (2019). Total synthesis of 4-epi-atpenin A5 as a potent nematode complex II inhibitor. Tetrahedron 75: 3178–3185.


1875. Su, Q. et al. (2020). Defence priming in tomato by the green leaf volatile (Z)-3-hexenol reduces whitefly transmission of a plant virus. Plant Cell Environ. 43: 2797–2811.
1876. Han, K. et al. (2020). Rice stripe virus coat protein induces the accumulation of jasmonic acid, activating plant defence against the virus while also attracting its vector to feed. Mol. Plant Pathol. 21: 1647–1653.


1872. Cheng, A.-P. et al. (2020). Transcriptome analysis of early defenses in rice against Fusarium fujikuroi. Rice 13: 65.
1873. Du, S. et al. (2020). Metabolomic analysis of chilling response in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings by extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Environ. Exp. Bot. 180: 104231.
1874. Kariya, K. et al. (2020). Natural variation of diterpenoid phytoalexins in cultivated and wild rice species. Phytochemistry 180: 112518.


今週の輪読は 2 回で,下記の論文を取り上げました.
1870. Kouzai, Y. et al. (2020). BdWRKY38 is required for the incompatible interaction of Brachypodium distachyon with the necrotrophic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Plant J. 104: 995–1008.
1871. Li, P. et al. (2020). Metabolite profiling and transcriptome analysis revealed the chemical contributions of tea trichomes to tea flavors and tea plant defenses. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68: 11389–11401.


今週の輪読は 2 回で,下記の論文を取り上げました.
1868. Ji, H. et al. (2020). A bacterial F-box effector suppresses SAR immunity through mediating the proteasomal degradation of OsTrxh2 in rice. Plant J. 104: 1054–1072.
1869. Zheng, J. et al. (2020). Karrikin signaling acts parallel to and additively with strigolactone signaling to regulate rice mesocotyl elongation in darkness. Plant Cell 32: 2780–2805.


今週は私の授業と学生さんの就活のために輪読は 1 回しかできませんでした.
1867. Wang, J. et al. (2021). Phytonematode peptide effectors exploit a host post-translational trafficking mechanism to the ER using a novel translocation signal. New Phytol. 229: 563–574.


輪読は毎日 12:30 から実施していますが,第 2 クォーターは火曜日と金曜日に 3 講時(12:40 から)の授業があるため,輪読の回数が最大週 3 回になっています.今週は学生さんの都合もあり週 2 回だけでした.
1865. Jung, J.-H. et al. (2020). A prion-like domain in ELF3 functions as a thermosensor in Arabidopsis. Nature 585: 256–260.
1866. Guo, Q., Li, Z., Shen, L., Xiao, Y., and Cheng, Z. (2021). Quantitative 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (qHNMR) methods for accurate purity determination of glucosinolates isolated from Isatis indigotica roots. Phytochem. Anal. 32: 104–111.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は生物制御化学研究室の M1 の学生さんで,下記の論文が紹介されました.
Herlé, B., Späth, G., Schreyer, L., and Fürstner, A. (2021). Total synthesis of mycinolide IV and path-scouting for aldgamycin N. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60: 7893–7899.


1863. Yang, F. et al. (2020). Jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine and allene oxide cyclase-derived jasmonates differently regulate gibberellin metabolism in herbivory-induced inhibition of plant growth. Plant Sci. 300: 110627.
1864. He, Y. et al. (2020). The OsGSK2 kinase integrates brassinosteroid and jasmonic acid signaling by interacting with OsJAZ4. Plant Cell 32: 2806.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は化学生態学研究室の M2 の学生さんで,下記の論文が紹介されました.
Chen, Y. et al. (2020). Rice GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR7 modulates plant architecture through regulating GA and indole-3-acetic acid metabolism. Plant Physiol. 184: 393–406.


1860. Volkov, A.G., and Shtessel, Y.B. (2020). Underground electrotonic signal transmission between plants. Commun. Integr. Biol. 13: 54–58.
1861. Mou, W. et al. (2020). Ethylene-independent signaling by the ethylene precursor ACC in Arabidopsis ovular pollen tube attraction. Nat. Commun. 11: 4082.
1862. Li, J., Liu, J.-K., and Wang, W.-X. (2020). GIAO 13C NMR calculation with sorted training sets improves accuracy and reliability for structural assignation. J. Org. Chem. 85: 11350–11358.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室の M2 の学生さんが下記の論文の紹介を行いました.
Gorman, Z. et al. (2020). Green leaf volatiles and jasmonic acid enhance susceptibility to anthracnose diseases caused by Colletotrichum graminicola in maize. Mol. Plant Pathol. 21: 702–715.

1856. Dressano, K. et al. (2020). Dynamic regulation of Pep-induced immunity through post-translational control of defence transcript splicing. Nat. Plants 6: 1008–1019.
1857. Kihika, R. et al. (2020). Compounds associated with infection by the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica, influence the ability of infective juveniles to recognize host plants. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68: 9100–9109.
1858. Wang, W. et al. (2020). Structural basis of salicylic acid perception by Arabidopsis NPR proteins. Nature 586: 311–316.
1859. Liu, Y. et al. (2020). Airborne fungus-induced biosynthesis of anthocyanins in Arabidopsis thaliana via jasmonic acid and salicylic acid signaling. Plant Sci. 300: 110635.


1852. Saranya, G., Jiby, M.V., Jayakumar, K.S., Padmesh Pillai, P., and Jayabaskaran, C. (2020). L-DOPA synthesis in Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. is regulated by polyphenol oxidase and not CYP 450/tyrosine hydroxylase: An analysis of metabolic pathway using biochemical and molecular markers. Phytochemistry 178: 112467.
1853. Lai, D. et al. (2020). Biosynthesis of cyanogenic glucosides in Phaseolus lunatus and the evolution of oxime-based defenses. Plant Direct 4: e00244.
Liu, H. et al. (2020). Bacillus pumilus LZP02 promotes rice root growth by improving carbohydrate metabolism and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 33: 1222–1231.
1855. Lu, W. et al. (2020). Improved annotation of untargeted metabolomics data through buffer modifications that shift adduct mass and intensity. Anal. Chem. 92: 11573–11581.

年間計画発表会 & 今週の輪読

今週の木曜日には修士 1 年生と学部 4 年生の修士論文と卒業論文研究の年間計画発表会が生物制御化学研究室と化学生態学研究室合同で開催されました.修士 2 年は先週中間発表会を開催済みです.今年度の M1 2 名,4 年生は 6 名です.皆さん意欲的な計画で,計画通りに研究が進めば修論・卒論だけでなく原著論文もバンバン出そうなのですが,そこは計画通りにいかないのが研究の難しくも面白いところです.

Zhang, X. et al. (2020). Metabolite profiling for model cultivars of wheat and rice under ozone pollution. Environ. Exp. Bot. 179: 104214.
Miller, G.P. et al. (2020). The biosynthesis of the anti-microbial diterpenoid leubethanol in Leucophyllum frutescens proceeds via an all-cis prenyl intermediate. Plant J. 104: 693–705.


今週はゴールデンウィークで実働二日でしたが,昨日は修士 2 年生の中間発表会が昼までかかったため,輪読は本日の一回だけしか実施していません.
1849. Kumar, V. et al. (2020). Phenylalanine increases chrysanthemum flower immunity against Botrytis cinerea attack. Plant J. 104: 226–240.


今週は輪読が 2 回しかできませんでした.

1847. Johnson, N., Litt, P.K., Kniel, K.E., and Bais, H. (2020). Evasion of plant innate defense response by Salmonella on lettuce. Front. Microbiol. 11: 500.
1848. Jing, T. et al. (2021). Herbivore-induced DMNT catalyzed by CYP82D47 plays an important role in the induction of JA-dependent herbivore resistance of neighboring tea plants. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 1178–1191.