研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでは生物制御化学研究室修士 2 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Abeysinghe, G. et al. (2020). Fungal mycelia and bacterial thiamine establish a mutualistic growth mechanism. Life Sci. Alliance 3: e202000878.


1923. Thitz, P. et al. (2021). Genetic modification of the flavonoid pathway alters growth and reveals flexible responses to enhanced UVB – Role of foliar condensed tannins. Plant-Environ. Interact. 2: 1–15.
1924. Liu, T., Shi, J., Li, M., Ye, X., and Qi, H. (2021). Trehalose triggers hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide to participate in melon seedlings oxidative stress tolerance under cold stress. Environ. Exp. Bot. 184: 104379.
1925. Liu, M. et al. (2021). Auxilin-like protein MoSwa2 promotes effector secretion and virulence as a clathrin uncoating factor in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. New Phytol. 230: 720–736.
1926. Dulchavsky, M., Clark, C.T., Bardwell, J.C.A., and Stull, F. (2021). A cytochrome c is the natural electron acceptor for nicotine oxidoreductase. Nat. Chem. Biol. 17: 344–350.
1927. Li, J. et al. (2021). Controlled hydroxylations of diterpenoids allow for plant chemical defense without autotoxicity. Science 371: 255–260.

研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週から研究室セミナーの文献紹介が始まりました.今週は生物制御化学研究室修士 2 年の学生が下記の論文を紹介しました.
Kanda, Y. et al. (2020). Two-phase synthesis of Taxol. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142: 10526–10533.


1918. Löffler, L.E., Wirtz, C., and Fürstner, A. (2021). Collective total synthesis of casbane diterpenes: one strategy, multiple targets. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60: 5316–5322.
1919. Li, W. et al. (2021). Overexpression of the homoterpene synthase gene, OsCYP92C21, increases emissions of volatiles mediating tritrophic interactions in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 948–963.
1920. Liang, J. et al. (2021). Rice contains a biosynthetic gene cluster associated with production of the casbane-type diterpenoid phytoalexin ent-10-oxodepressin. New Phytol. 231: 85–93.
1921. Bai, Y. et al. (2021). Modulation of Arabidopsis root growth by specialized triterpenes. New Phytol. 230: 228–243.
1922. Liu, M.-T., Zhao, J., and Li, S.-P. (2021). Application of smartphone in detection of thin-layer chromatography: dase of Salvia miltiorrhiza. J. Chromatogr. A 1637: 461826.


1915. Austel, N., Böttcher, C., and Meiners, T. (2021). Chemical defence in Brassicaceae against pollen beetles revealed by metabolomics and flower bud manipulation approaches. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 519–534.
1916. Moreira, X. et al. (2021). Apparent inhibition of induced plant volatiles by a fungal pathogen prevents airborne communication between potato plants. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 1192–1201.
1917. Sung, Y.-C. et al. (2021). PR1-mediated defence via C-terminal peptide release is targeted by a fungal pathogen effector. New Phytol. 229: 3467–3480.


1910. de Lamo, F.J. et al. (2021). Pattern-triggered immunity restricts host colonization by endophytic fusaria, but does not affect endophyte-mediated resistance. Mol. Plant Pathol. 22: 204–215.
1911. Khattab, I.M. et al. (2021). Ancestral chemotypes of cultivated grapevine with resistance to Botryosphaeriaceae-related dieback allocate metabolism towards bioactive stilbenes. New Phytol. 229: 1133–1146.
1912. Figon, F., Baldwin, I.T., and Gaquerel, E. (2021). Ethylene is a local modulator of jasmonate-dependent phenolamide accumulation during Manduca sexta herbivory in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 964–981.
1913. Wang, B. et al. (2021). Arabidopsis SnRK1 negatively regulates phenylpropanoid metabolism via Kelch domain-containing F-box proteins. New Phytol. 229: 3345–3359.
1914. Gamir, J. et al. (2021). Roots drive oligogalacturonide-induced systemic immunity in tomato. Plant Cell Environ. 44: 275–289.


茨城大学では 9/29 から後学期の授業が開始しました.9/30 で緊急事態宣言は解除になりましたが,10/12 までは原則的に遠隔授業にすることが前もって決まっていましたので,現在のところほとんど全ての授業はオンラインで実施されていて,学生さん達が本格的にキャンパスに戻ってくるのは 10/13 以降になりそうです.

学生対象の新型コロナウイルスワクチンの職域接種は今週で 2 回目が完了しました.モデルナ製ワクチンは 2 回目の副反応がなかなか厳しいので,研究室の学生たちも接種翌日はダウンしていたようです.私(長谷川)は茨城県の大規模接種会場でモデルナ製ワクチンの接種を 7, 8 月に受けましたが,やはり 2 回目接種の翌日は 38.6 ℃ まで体温が上がってかなりきつかったです.まあ寝てれば熱は下がるので,コロナにかかることを思えば,どうということはないのですが.


1908. Yang, Z. et al. (2021). Genetic mapping identifies a rice naringenin O-glucosyltransferase that influences insect resistance. Plant J. 106: 1401–1413.
1909. Liu, Y. et al. (2021). Characterization of defensive cadinenes and a novel sesquiterpene synthase responsible for their biosynthesis from the invasive Eupatorium adenophorum. New Phytol. 229: 1740–1754.