What's New!

  • 2024.06.19
    • The address of this website has been changed.
  • 2024.05.10
    • A new publication has been added to the Publication List page.
      • The results of our joint research with Professor YARITA Takashi and his colleague in the Laboratory of Food Safety Analysis have been published in Bunseki Kagaku (in Japanese).
  • 2024.04.06
    • The "Members" page has been updated.
  • 2023.04.01
    • The "Members" page has been updated.
  • 2022.04.02
    • The "Members" page has been updated.
  • 2021.09.07
    • A new publication has been added to the Publication List page.
      • The results of our joint research with Professor KOMATSUZAKI Masakazu and his colleague in the Center for International Field Agriculture Research & Education will be published in Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research (in Japanese).
  • 2021.08.27
    • A new publication has been added to the Publication List page.
      • The results of our joint research with Professor SUZUKI Yoshihito and his colleagues in the Laboratory of Chemical Ecology have been published in Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  • 2021.05.10
  • 2021.05.09
  • 2021.05.08
    • Our English website was published!